Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3244

Because grandma thought that his father was not going to see his mother, would not have a car accident, and the marriage of the twilight family would not be ruined.

After her mother suffered from depression, she was even more disgusted with her mother, and she would not like him.

From childhood to adulthood, grandma did not buy him and his sister a gift.

Therefore, most of the children have played with the bicycle, but he has not touched it.

At that time, he looked at other children riding bicycles, especially envious, but never dare to show it.

Later, he had an accident and had been in a wheelchair for 20 years. Naturally, he had no chance with this thing.

He did not expect that he could ride a bicycle one day.

At the moment Lin Lin handed his bicycle to him, he had the feeling of realizing his childhood dream.

The bicycle was just a little shaky at the beginning, and Mu Jin soon found the balance. The speed was not fast or slow. It was not like a novice at all.

Lin Lin: I don't know what can be difficult for him in this world.

In fact, at the beginning, Mu Jin Yan was also a little nervous, but he was used to being calm and would not affect his behavior and operation because of his nervousness. After getting used to it, he felt relaxed and speeded up his speed.

The road surface of the forest house is very good, and red plum blossoms emerge from the antique lattice on both sides.

It's a scene that Lin Lin has been used to seeing since childhood. Every time the flowers bloom, she doesn't feel much. Moreover, every time she sees her Playboy like second brother passing by, she has a kind of out of place feeling. I can't tell whether it is the garden that has obliterated her second brother's image, or her second brother's careless appearance has polluted the garden.

And at this time, the classical garden by the book flavor of the evening Jin words set off, there is a special charm.

Suddenly the evening Jin speech long leg lands on the ground, the bicycle stops, Lin Lin actually looks at the evening Jin speech background is unconscious.

Evening Jin speech turns round to come over, see Lin Lin Leng Leng don't know what is thinking, light cough a.

Lin Lin suddenly startled, only to find that the bicycle stopped, strange asked: "why not go?"

The evening Jin speech looked at her to be silent for a while, just open a mouth: "I don't know the way."

Lin Lin looked around, this just found that the front is a fork in the road, she just looked at the back of the evening Jin words run God, unexpectedly did not even give him the way, suddenly embarrassed, busy way: "front to the left."

Mu Jin Yan glances at Lin Lin's feet on the ground. Her legs are long. When he rides a bike, she has to hang her legs up. But she is afraid of affecting him to ride, so she can't stretch forward. Bending her legs won't be comfortable.

"Get out of the car."

Lin Lin didn't know what Mu Jin said to do, so she got off the bus.

The evening Jin speech to oneself body front horizontal bar glanced at one eye, "come up."

Lin Lin looks at the horizontal bar, now looks at the evening Jin speech, opens a pair of beautiful apricot eyes, suspecting that he heard wrong.

Mu Jin Yan waited for a while. Seeing that Lin Lin didn't move, her face couldn't respond to her expression, she laughed and sighed. She took her waist with one hand. She fished it out and put her arm on the horizontal bar. Her foot pedaled, and the bicycle moved forward.

Lin Lin turned to look at him and suspected that the night he was encircled in his arms was an illusion coming out of his own brain.

The evening Jin speech looks ahead, to Lin Lin said the left road.

“……” Lin Lin in the evening Jin words can not see the angle, dark rub the pinch of their own.

Pain -

Lin Lin looks back, rubs his chin with her forehead, and then looks up. Her beautiful face is an angle she has never seen before.

PS: good night, kids. Vote if you have a vote.

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