Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3211

Qin Jian picked up his son, looked at his son smile, "mother has not seen uncle for a long time, see Uncle happy, so cry."

"Why cry when you are happy?" Qin Yue did not understand.

"There is an idiom called weeping with joy, that is to say, when you meet a particularly happy thing, you are so excited that you cry." Qin Yue is still too young, Qin Jian can't help it, and he doesn't want him to know more.

"Oh." Qin Yue didn't understand, but he still nodded, "but grandma said that mommy had to work overtime at night, so she couldn't cry any more."

"Let's go and ask mommy to stop crying, OK?"


Qin Jian went to the yard with his son in his arms.

Lin Lin to the door, see Qin Jian holding his son out, a Zheng, face changed.

Anyin finally comes back, but Qin Jian brings his son to the door. Is it too bullying?

Lin Lin came forward and said, "Qin Jian, what are you doing?"

Qin Yue just wanted to call Mommy, but Lin Lin was scared and swallowed the words on his mouth.

Twilight Jin said to turn back to see Qin Jian and Qin Yue, patted an Yin, "OK, we look at it."

An Yin looked back and saw Qin Jian holding Qin Yue. Qin Yue was secretly looking at her. She quickly let go of the evening Jin's words, wiped away the tears on her face, and pulled Lin Lin in a low voice and asked, "what's the matter?"

Lin Lin was angry, but in front of the child's face, it was hard to say, and her face turned red.

Evening Jin said to Qin Yue: "Yue Yue."

Qin Yue looked at Lin Lin and called, "uncle, mummy."

Seeing Lin Lin's posture, she knew that Lin Lin thought Qin Yue was the child of Qin Jian and other women.

Before this, only a few people knew about it, and Lin Lin didn't know.

Now that an Yin is back, the identity of Dushi Chang has been revealed, and Qin Yue's identity can be exposed.

But it can't be said in front of the children.

The evening Jin says: "Yue Yue, come to uncle here, OK?"

Although Qin Yue is young, he is very good at looking at people's faces. He looks at Lin Lin, looks at his mother, points his head, and reaches out a small short hand to Mu Jin's words, "Uncle hugs."

Evening Jin Yan Qin Yue embrace in the past, "he really good, we advanced house."

Finish saying, one hand holds Qin Yue, the other hand drags Lin Lin's suitcase, left.

Lin Lin is surprised to see to the evening Jin speech, the evening Jin speech looked at her one eye, embraces Qin Yue to walk away, Lin Lin looks at the evening Jin speech to walk away, anxious.

If someone bullies anyin, how can he

Anyin saw Lin Lin Lin's reaction and knew that Lin Lin didn't know Qin Yue was her son. She pulled Lin Lin, "Lin Lin."

Lin Lin takes back her sight from Mu Jin Yan and looks at an Yin. Her face is blue with anger, "an Yin, Qin Jian he..."

"Qin Yue is my son." Anyin cut off the words.

"What?" Lin Lin was stunned.

An Yin said succinctly: "when I left Seoul, I was pregnant. Qin Yue was born in Africa. Later Qin Jian found Qin Yue in Africa and brought him back."

Lin Lin's brain stirred into paste, but one thing was understood. Qin Yue was not the child of Qin Jian and other women, but the son of an Yin. "Why did Qin Jian only bring Qin Yue back, but not you?"

An Yin looked gloomy for a moment, "the dishes are ready upstairs, waiting for dinner. It's not clear in one or two words. I'll let you know when I'm free. "

Lin Lin pressure in the heart of the stone fell to the ground, looked at Qin Jian, originally misunderstood him.

PS: Thank you. I'm sorry. It's just an excuse baby. Golden earth baby's reward. Love you.

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