Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3210

Although Lin Lin didn't know about Aunt Yang, she had never seen an Yin cry like this. She realized that an Yin had experienced the pain she couldn't follow in recent years. Her heart was sour and she couldn't help but cry.

People upstairs see the evening downstairs, the heart is not taste, tacit understanding to go away, lest an Yin cry after the end of embarrassment.

Standing at the window of his study, Rong Xun looks down at an Yin, who is holding Mu Jin Yan in his arms and cries bitterly. When he thinks of her appearance when she just saw an Yin, he feels a pang in his heart. He feels like a knife cutting on his heart. He can't bear to look down again. He turns his head and sees Qin Jian leaning on the balcony, looking down the stairs with a gloomy look.

Qin Jian did not leave for a moment, but leaned against the wall behind him, took out his cigarette box, turned to look at Rongxun, and glanced at the smoke in his hand, "or?"

"Let's give it to Yixun."

Qin Jian lost a cigarette.

Rongxun catches it and takes the lighter out of his trouser pocket and lights it.

Qin Jian also bowed his head and lit a cigarette. He looked down at the sound of an, who cried and trembled.

Aunt Yang's death became the scale that an Yin didn't touch in her heart, and also became the ridge that she couldn't cross.

After a while, Qin Jian youyou mouth, "thank you."

Rong Xun said, "what I did has nothing to do with you. I don't need to thank me."

Qin Jian Mo for a moment, the corner of the mouth a hook, a smile, "you are wrong feeling."

Rong Xun looked at an Yin silently and said softly, "that's my business."

Qin Xuan glanced at Rongxun, no longer said anything, put out the smoke, turned back to the room.

Rongxun said, "Qin Jian."

Qin Jian stopped, glared at Rongxun, did not open his mouth, waiting for Rongxun's next.

Rongxun only looked at an Yin downstairs, without squinting: "do you know the rules of Meizu?"

Qin Jian frowned. Meizu can intermarry with their cousins. "Although you are the minor patriarch of Meizu, you are also the tolerant General of human beings. If your identity is here, you must abide by the rules of human beings."

Rongxun vomited out a cloud of smoke. His heroic face did not have much expression, and his tone was as low as ever. "I still said that. If you are not good to her, I will take her away. I am Mei, and I will only act according to the rules of Meizu."

"I won't give you a chance."

"I hope so."

Rongxun threw away his cigarette butt, stamped it out, and turned away.

Qin Jian looks down at an Yin and purses his lips. He will never let that woman away from his sight.

Evening Shulan went to the balcony door, light way: "three son, go to persuade it, she has to go to work in the evening, so crying can't do."

Qin Jian: "yes."

He left the balcony and looked at Jin Peng anxiously. Jin Peng followed Qin Jian to find an Yin in Africa. He didn't know how much sin an Yin had suffered in front of him. But when he found Qin Yue on the mountain, he opened his eyes.

That terrible force

It doesn't taste good to him now.

At this time looking at an Yin cry, the heart is also uncomfortable.

But he couldn't persuade people, and an Yin suffered so many crimes. He didn't know how to persuade him. He just sent a message to Lin Lin: Lin Lin, persuade.

But Lin Lin that fool also stands at one side to wipe tears, does not look at the mobile phone at all.

Jin Peng was so anxious that he could only rely on Qin Jian to persuade him.

Qin Jian dark took a breath, and saw a face confused Qin Yue, Qin Yue pulled the corner of his coat, "Daddy, why does Mommy cry?"

Qin Yue asked all the people in the room, but no one answered him.

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