Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3207

Thinking of this, Lin Lin can't help but look at the delicate eyebrows in the rearview mirror.

At this time, the voice of Mu Jin's words came from the front, "don't always stare at me."

Lin Lin:

He doesn't look at her. How do you know she's staring at him.

Lin Lin abdominal Fei, but also embarrassed to stare at him again, low head, pretend to play mobile phone.

After a while, I couldn't help but look up at the front row of Mu Jin's words, just like looking back at the three years of missing.

Mu Jin said to pull over and stop.

Lin Lin stares at Mu Jin's words and doesn't look out of the car at all. When the car stops, she just thinks it's waiting for the red light.

Mu Jin glanced at the rearview mirror, sighed helplessly, untied the seat belt, turned to look straight at Lin Lin, "I have a problem with my face?"

"No problem." Lin Lin did not want to answer, said, just feel wrong, "you untie the seat belt why?"

"Don't you want to see it? Let me show you. "

“……” Lin Lin: "it's dangerous to look at the back of the car..."

The evening Jin speech corner of the mouth a hook, float up a play, "drive?"

Lin Lin realized that something was wrong. She looked in front of her eyes. The car stopped by the side of the road. She looked at both sides and didn't get to the place. She was stunned and puzzled, she looked back to Mu Jin.

She just peeped at him and felt very good. Now she is staring at him. She feels like she has been caught doing bad things. She doesn't know where to put her uncomfortable hands and feet.

The confused thoughts in my mind were jumping out.

Why did he stop suddenly? Did he find that she was staring at him, thinking that she had the intention of pestering him again, so he only sent her here?

But what does it mean to stare at her like that?

Do you want to send her away, but because she was asked to pick up the plane and was afraid to send her off on the way, it was not easy to explain to Jinpeng that she wanted to enlighten herself and take the initiative to leave?

Evening Jin words see Lin Lin nervous, helpless, slightly raised eyebrows, "see enough?"

Lin Lin: She didn't dare to look at him since he turned to stare at her. What's more, even if you look at it, you can't see enough.

However, she felt guilty at this time. After hearing this, she thought that he was driving people. She reached out to open the door in a hurry.

"To where?"

"Get out of the car and take a taxi."

"Take a taxi instead of a taxi?"

“…… You don't want me to get out of the car? "

The evening Jin speech looked at her for a while, did not answer, took out the mobile phone from her hand, took a selfie, put the mobile phone back in Lin Lin's hand, "want to see, look at the mobile phone."

Lin Lin:

Evening Jin speech turns round, fasten seat belt again, start car.

Lin Lin looked down at the screen of her mobile phone. Mu Jin said that she was photogenic. She took photos casually, which was very good-looking. But what did he mean, "that, what do you mean by giving me a picture?"

"Don't stare at me, affect my driving," Mu Jin said. I'll get out of the car in a moment and delete it. "

Lin Lin:

It's her. She doesn't delete it.

Lin Lin looked down at her mobile phone, and the first thing she did was to send her self portrait to her email address as Mu Jin said. There were still several e-mail boxes, so as not to get out of the car and be forced to delete photos.

Mu Jin Yan can't see what Lin Lin is doing on her mobile phone, but she can also guess her small movements and smile when she sees Lin Lin's cunning in her eyes in the rearview mirror.

This girl is still as simple as before, everything is written on her face.

Lin Lin forwarded the photo and sent a message to Jin Peng: Why did you let Mu Jin Yan pick me up?

Jin Peng wrote back soon:?

PS: Thank you. I'm a fairy. Good night.

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