Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3206

The evening Jin speech only looked at her one eye, took back the sight.

Lin Lin thought she despised him for not using his feet. She was so anxious that her face turned red. She didn't know what to do. The low voice of Mu Jin said: "when are you free?"

"What?" Lin Lin didn't respond.

"It's not teaching me Kung Fu."

“……” Lin Lin opened her eyes and looked at the evening Jin words, unable to believe what she heard.

The evening Jin speech glares at the rearview mirror, and Lin Lin's eyes are on, "do not teach?"

"Teach." Lin Lin immediately replied, finish saying, carefully asked a, "are you serious?"

Mu Jin said that he could be as far away from her as he could. How could she teach him Kung Fu.


The evening Jin speech slowly took a breath, in the heart also quite complex, today's matter completely in his unexpected.

His present situation, Lin Lin Lin close to him, Lin Lin Lin has no good.

He didn't understand why Qin Jian made such a move.

Is it to want him to have another bait around him, so that he could not help but be ready to move?

However, Qin Jian should not do so.

He couldn't guess what Qin Jian was trying to do. He could only drill into the sleeve that Qin Jian gave him. When he got into it, he knew what medicine Qin Jian sold in his gourd.

In addition, Lin Lin Lin here, although he can not hesitate to refuse, but his mind floating Lin Lin standing on the podium.

Her halo, but her eyes are empty, the figure on the podium seems more and more lonely.

He knew that he should refuse directly, but when he thought about it, he would not be able to say anything hurtful.

The sound of "um" was very light, and there was not much emotion. But when it fell to Lin Lin's ears, she thought she was dreaming. "As long as it's not time for class, you can..."

"Good." Evening Jin speech nodded head, no longer speak.

Even before, Lin Lin seldom had the chance to be alone with him, and the breath seemed to be full of the clear smell from him.

She had not seen him at close range for a long time. Although it was just a little back of the head and a pair of eyes in the rearview mirror, even so, it made her heart beat very fast, as fast as to jump out of her chest.

She felt that she was hopeless. However, she did not make any progress in front of him once or twice, and didn't care about this one more time.

Lin Lin see evening Jin speech in focus on driving, no longer speak, on the bold look at him.

When getting on the bus, Mu Jin Yan put her in the back seat behind the driver's seat. She was too nervous and didn't dare to move after getting on the bus. In this position, she could only see a little back of his head when she tilted her head.

Lin Lin quietly moved to the side, from the back of the head can see a little side face.

She waited for a while, saw the evening Jin speech did not notice, then moved again, has moved to the other side of the back seat, although this position is a little far away from him, but can see his back side side face.

Seeing that he didn't respond, she seemed to have completely ignored her. Lin Lin sighed with relief and was secretly pleased with his small movements. Relying on his driving, she would not pay attention to her, and wantonly "steal" at him.

He had the same features as before, a clean face, but a little thinner than three years ago.

Lin Lin thought of her figure in the airport just now. When he was standing, she was a head higher. When he looked at her, she was slightly lowered. That face did not look as cold as usual. It was very beautiful.

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