Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3198

There are no more than two purposes for them to relax their vigilance.

When there's a chance to die.

Second, there is a chance to escape.

One by one, he didn't want to die, so he paid more attention to the second one.

They are obedient now to cure the disease. I'm afraid it will not be the case now.

With heavy guards, they can't escape on their own, so most of them will be rescued.

There will be to save them, how to save, these are not known.

Since we don't know, we have to guard against it from all aspects.

And to prevent, the best way is to have someone undercover.

Their military personnel can send people to do undercover work, but they are not sure whether there are mutants in these people. In addition, they can not confirm whether the people who come to save them will be mutants.

If it is a mutant, it can easily tear up ordinary people.

If you send soldiers to do undercover work, once the other side has some action, their people can not mutate, they will be found, the end of the discovery, only one - death!

"What do you want?"

"Mu Jin Yan has seen the variation of Dushi Chang."

Qin Jian understood that Rongxun wanted a half werewolf or a werewolf that could be mutated. "That's OK, but we have to find out who can mutate. What's more, if you can mutate, what it will look like. "

"It's impossible to force them to change their body, and that will frighten the snake. At present, there is only one way to try. "

"What way?"

"An Yin told me that she has a soul called feng'er, and feng'er has a special ability to see a person's future or past."

Qin Jian frowned. He didn't even know about it, but Rongxun knew it. This discovery made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Feng'er is awake?"

Rong Xun also heard an Yin say that feng'er was sleeping, "No."

"Not awake, how to use her ability?"

"So now we have to find a way to wake up feng'er."

"How to wake up?"



"Yes, an Yin said. Occasionally, feng'er will have a little reaction. If you can find a stimulating point, maybe you can wake feng'er up. "

"How exciting?" Qin Jian thought of Gu Luan and frowned.

"It seems that you have already thought of it."

"Am I crazy? My wife sends it to other men. "

"I didn't let her and guluan do anything. I just went to ask Gu Luan to see if there was any way."

It is not necessary to let an Yin approach guluan, Qin Jian's face darkened and refused, "no way."

Rong Xun glanced at Qin Jian and stopped talking about it. He had already said the opposite. The final decision was on anyin, not Qin Jian.


when Mu Jinyan arrived at the airport, she sent a message to Qin Jian: I am at the airport, flight number, who is to be picked up?

Recently, he has been busy with the case of Dushi Chang. Qin Jian is mysterious. Naturally, he thinks about it. He may be a secret witness.

Qin Jian received the news, reported the flight number, but did not say who, just reported Lin Lin Lin's other mobile phone number: the plane arrived, you call this phone.

The evening Jin said to scan the eye number, is a strange number.

I think I may be wrong, even if he is a secret witness, but since he has been called to pick up the plane, there is no need to not even tell him his name.

However, he has already been at the airport. He will naturally see people in a short time, so he will no longer entangle himself with Qin Jian.

Looking at the next flight time, there are 20 minutes, Mu Jin speech is not in a hurry, stop the car, just went to the exit hall.

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