Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3197

Secret experiments are not only available now, but have been carried out decades ago. At that time, the master of the base was not Twilight Shichang.

The former owner of the base was caught by master Rong, but the man found a chance to commit suicide in prison.

Before he died, he left a sentence to master Rong, saying, "I am dead, but the base will not die, and the experiment will continue."

They don't know how the base fell into the hands of Mu Shichang, nor do they know the relationship between the former base owner and Mu Shichang.

There was an example of the former owner of the base. They knew that no matter whether the base was not dug out completely or not, the matter could not be finished.

I don't know when history will repeat itself.

Rong Xun nodded, "there is something I want the Qin family to help."

Qin Jian's expression is very light, "Qin's affairs, I have withdrawn, no longer participate in. You have to go to my father for this

"Because of anyin?"

"Yes, not all of them."

"What do you say?"

Rongxun had been out of contact with China for more than three years before returning home. Although he received various news as soon as he came back, some things were still unclear.

"You know it, Luan."

"Well, then?"

"In their eyes, I will be the second lone Luan. They forced me to prove my innocence... "

"How to prove it?"

Rong Xun frowned. He always resented what Qin did to Gu Luan.

However, it is a matter of the werewolf family. As a member of the Meizu, he is not good at commenting and remembering the discontent between families.

"On the one hand, he asked me to draw a clear line with an Yin, and on the other hand, he wanted me to use anyin to get rid of guluan."

"Are they insane?" There is no outsider here. Qin Jian and Jin Peng both trust. Rongxun doesn't have to hide his disdain. He says, "I think you werewolves have no wolf nature."

Jin Peng said: "Hey, don't open the map gun, there are a group of sb without wolf nature, but it doesn't mean we don't have it."

Rong Xun took a look at Jin Peng and looked back at Qin Jian: "so?"

Qin Jian didn't answer. Jin Peng said, "he threw off the burden and ran away."

Rong Xun: run

Jin Peng: "it is not the successor of that clan leader."

Rong Xun: when did it happen

Qin Jian: "after anyin disappeared."

Rong Xun: who are the people you brought to Africa

Qin Jian: "I am with my father's people."

Rong Xun: "so it is."

These days, he is still thinking, Qin's group of people eat, drink and enjoy themselves every day. They have long forgotten what blood is and how they still have that ability.

Rong Xun: "well, if you don't pass through the Qin family, can you take out some people with strong ability, so as not to finish the matter and put yourself into it."

Qin Jian: "then you have to talk about it first."

Rong Xun: "I have a hunch that dushichang will not give up those people on the top floor."

Qin Jian also felt that those people were too quiet and abnormal.

Those people know better than anyone, how many lives they are carrying, the case must be, none of them can run away.

If you say that you should be lenient if you confess and strict if you resist, you can deal with ordinary people. It's useless to deal with those people whose conscience has already fed the dog.

During the trial, they cooperated with each other and the process of trial and training was too smooth, which made him feel that this was not right.

Rong Xun's statement coincides with him. He feels that they are paralyzing them and relaxing their vigilance.

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