Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3192

Evening Shulan saw Qin Jian a person met out, looked behind him, did not see an Yin and Qin Yue, asked: "an Yin and Yue he?"

Qin Jian: "anyin has to work overtime in the evening, so he went to sleep with him."

Twilight Shulan heard that an Yin with Yue Yue he was sleeping, the voice of talking was low down, "an Yin, is she OK?"

Qin Jian looks dark. After so much experience, how can he be ok.

Evening Shulan a look at Qin Jian's expression, the heart is tight, Qin Jian'an way: "come back good."

As long as people come back safely, it's better than anything.

"Yes, just come back Now you... "

Three years is enough to make a person change beyond recognition, and hard life is enough to wipe out a relationship.

She didn't know if anyin had any idea about Qin Jian.

"I told her about Yueyue, and her mood fluctuated a little. However, it is still stable. She These years have been very difficult... "

Qin Jian thought that an Yin had been suffering from the pain of "losing his son" for more than two years, so he was heartbroken.

Qin Jian is not a person who shows his feelings. His ability to say this shows that an Yin has been very hard.

Mu Shulan has been floating outside with her husband for more than ten years, but she is protected by her husband, and she is not short of money. Even so, it is very hard. Anyin is pregnant, and she has been chased and killed outside for three years. It is impossible to use the word "difficult" to describe it.

Qin Jianan and his wife were silent at the same time.

They can't imagine how anyin came back alive.

Qin Jian'an said, "saner, treat her well in the future."

"Well." After this time, Qin Jian said nothing will let an Yin disappear from under his own eyes.

Dushulan came forward to pat Qin Jian's buttocks, "son, don't worry, I'll treat her well."

Qin Jian's body was frozen.

He was taken away by the old man since he was a child, and he didn't grow up with his mother. When he was young, the old man arranged his homework very tightly, and he was afraid that he would become weak because of dushulan. He could only visit his mother once a month.

Although at that time, his mother did not visit him once, but he still looked forward to the day when he could see his mother every day for a month. However, when he saw his mother, his mother was extremely indifferent to him and would not even leave him for a meal.

He was forced to die, but he did not dare to complain. When he was three or four years old, every time he met his mother, he left in tears.

With the growth of age, gradually, he is also in front of his mother, is a rigid, there is no more to say.

Later, she followed her father to leave Qin's family. After more than ten years, she didn't make a phone call to her.

It would be a lie to say that he had no resentment towards his mother.

Three years ago, although they finally broke the deadlock with their mother, they had been estranged for too many years. Even if they were reconciled, there was something between them.

Until he had Qin Yue, he really understood his mother.

Mother knew what kind of place Qin was and what kind of responsibility he would bear in the future.

Werewolves and wolves, although United, but the wolf king must be the most powerful one.

But as the mother of the child, in her opinion, the child is safe and healthy, and she does not have to be a wolf king. Therefore, she still harbors resentment against the old man for taking away her newborn child.

However, shortly after Qin Jian was born, the werewolves were frequently hunted and killed, especially the children who were captured.

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