Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3191

Qin Jian did not close his eyes, tightly staring at her, looking at her small face more and more red, his eyes on the contrary more and more deep, kiss also more ferocious.

More than three years of worry and anxiety, all melt in this kiss, where there are skills gentle, just want to tear her bone swallow.

Anyin is dizzy when he kisses her head, and her strength is drained by a thread. Finally, she even pushes his hand without any strength. Her mouth and nose are full of his flavor, which makes her feel excited but confused.

After a long time, Qin Jian just let go of her lips and pressed her into his arms.

An Yin's face was close to his strong abdomen, and his heart beat very fast through his clothes.

Neither of them spoke, but anyin's heart became a mess.

It will be full of happiness and joy for others to meet again after a long time, but they

They carried too much on their shoulders, which made her breathless.

For three years, what happened to the cup in his body? Did he have any attacks? How did he survive?

What's the state of his health in the past three years?

In order not to let him be killed by her, she left home, but she killed aunt Yang

Their suffering can be made up for, but aunt Yang will never come back.

Anyin's mind floated the appearance of aunt Yang's tragic death, and tears poured up. What qualifications does she have to be happy and happy?

Face buried in Qin Jian's arms, smelling the familiar taste, but the contradiction in the heart to the extreme.

Qin Jian and other reaction of the body slightly calm, pat her back, "sleep."

She has surgery at night, and he can't get too involved.

An Yin said, "well," and came out of his arms and looked up at him.

He was looking at her with his head down. Their eyes were on each other immediately. He stroked her face gently with his big hand. "We will talk slowly in the future."

"Well, then I'll sleep." She really needs to be quiet, one for the night's surgery, the other is to calm down, Shun Yishun chaotic heart.

An Yin gently picked up Qin Yue's little hand and lay down.

Qin Jian covers her quilt, kisses her, and kisses her son. He says softly, "you sleep, I go out."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere. My parents are coming. I'm going out to watch."

An Yin was surprised, "Uncle Qin and aunt Mu are coming?"

"Well, I called them and said I wouldn't go back to dinner. They are afraid of Qin Yue's trouble. They come and watch. " Qin Jian doesn't want anyin to have a burden. He doesn't say that her parents want to come to see her.

Although an Yin and Qin Yue get along for a short time, she feels that Qin Yue is taught very well, and if a child does not make trouble, it is not normal. As a mother, she will even fear that the child will make trouble.

This is an excuse.

But an Yin did not expose Qin Jian, "when will they come?"

"I don't know if they are free. They have to go out for a stroll and come here for dinner. If you sleep with them, you don't have to worry about them."

"Does Aunt Wang know they are coming?"


"That meal..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll help you."

Qin Jian has also cooked dishes before. Although she can't compare with her craftsmanship, she is also good. Anyin is relieved.

When Qin Jian came out of anyin's room, he heard the sound of cars downstairs. Looking out of the window, he saw his father's car driving into the gate of the courtyard.

It's coming so fast.

Qin Jian was afraid that they would make trouble to anyin, so he went downstairs quickly.

PS: good night!!

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