Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3178

He was as tall and erect as ever, but he was obviously thinner, and his skin was not like the wheat color before, but a very deep bronze color.

She thought of what Qi Bai said. Qin Jian has been running on both sides of Africa in recent years.

He is a big man, and he does not live delicate, never wipe skin care products, go to Africa, even if exposed to ultraviolet light, it is estimated that he will not pay attention to, so he sun his life like this.

However, he is more mature and resolute than he was three years ago, and he is also more manly.

An Yinhe looked at such a Qin Jian, his heart suddenly became hot, but then thought of his son's matter, the more bitter in his heart, his face also showed no good expression.

Qin Jian saw an Yin's face pale, and his joy was full of five flavors.

An Yin went to Qin Jian in front of him, stopped and handed him the mobile phone, "your mobile phone."

"For you."

"I don't need it."

"If you don't want it, you'll lose it." Qin Jian didn't pick up the mobile phone she handed in front of her, and the smile in her eyes faded slowly. She didn't need a mobile phone, but didn't need him to buy it for her.

I'm afraid she really hates him because he has suffered so much.

An Yin heart block, or this overbearing bad temper.

There are people coming and going at any time in the elevator hall. Anyin can't pull with Qin Jian here. If he doesn't answer his mobile phone, he can only take it first.

Several of the 20 patients had to arrange surgery. She was very busy. She didn't have time to chat with Qin Jian. She didn't want to make another appointment. She simply went straight to the point and asked, "I heard you have a son."

"Yes." Qin Jian looked at her with deep eyes.

An Yin has been picking up the news all night and knows that this is the truth. But after listening to him, I can see how deep the pain is. If it wasn't for the pain of losing a son for more than two years, he would be able to achieve facial paralysis under any circumstances, and I'm afraid tears would come up on the spot.

She took a breath, forced herself to keep calm and asked, "where is the mother of the child?"

"Here it is." Qin Jian originally thought that after an Yin returned home, she would pick her up and leave. No matter how angry she was, no matter how she hit him or scolded him, she would have to let her take kanmai in her heart.

He knew that she would be very busy with a lot of sick prisoners brought back this time.

That's why he followed him all the way from the airport to the hospital, and then waited in the hospital. He didn't expect to miss it.

However, as long as she came back, even if she didn't pick it up, it was just a few small things late.

However, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's. as soon as he arrived at Rongzhai, something happened to him at dushichang. He and Rongxun were called by the elder Rong.

This is one night.

Sometimes a woman's heart is smaller than the eye of a needle. This night, I don't know where she would like to go. She got into the tip of a cow's foot and her head was big.

Anyin has been thinking all night. She has not had a good rest. She has a lot of things and her heart is in a mess. When she sees Qin Jian, she is in a trance. For a while, she doesn't respond to "here". What does it mean.

I think, he means, the mother of the child in Seoul, the heart suddenly like a knife cut pain, even if already used to pain, but also almost did not hold back the tears.

Qin Jian saw an Yin's face turned white in an instant, and suddenly realized that she might not really know which ox horn she had gone into.

But about her son, it's not convenient to say in the place where people are coming and going. Just trying to pull her to the place where there is no one, the mobile phone rings.

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