Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3177

Qin Jian replied: I'm at the elevator.

Anyin's heart is even more chaotic. She wants to see him and dreams about it. But since she knew he had a son, she couldn't help being afraid.

Afraid that when he explains his son to her, by the way, they will come here.

She didn't believe that before he left, he liked other women, but he had a cup on his body. She had seen it happen.

It is not that he can bear the attack if he wants to, but he can control it if he wants to control it.

Especially in the three days when she was locked up in Dongge and no one was allowed to come in, he was completely out of control.

At that time, she looked at him out of control and thought more than once that he still recognized her?

Do you know who he's holding?

At that time, she hated him and blamed him.

But after knowing the reason, he turned to hate himself, leaving only heartache and guilt to him.

For a long time before she left, she was afraid that he would be killed by her, and she was always uncomfortable with him. In addition, during that time, she was distracted by her mother's affairs, and she was in a state of mind all day. She did not know whether he had been poisoned during that time.

It is not impossible for someone to enter when he is delirious. What's more, at that time, Qin wanted him to make a clean break with her. It's hard to guarantee that he would not send people to him when he was not awake.

At that time, she had not left, and did not know that something would happen later. Although she was uncomfortable with him, it was still common. He could not empathize, but he was a very responsible person.

Even if it's just insane, if the other party has a child, even if he doesn't love the woman, he will take the responsibility, otherwise he won't openly admit the child.

He acknowledged the child, in fact, the existence of the child's mother.

Qin Jian is not a man of two boats, he admitted that woman, so is it right to have a break with her?

He wanted to see them again, but he was really afraid of seeing them.

So far

Anyin's heart seems to have been pricked by a needle. She doesn't reply any more. She puts her mobile phone back in her mobile phone box, picks up her mobile phone case and leaves the office, and walks to the elevator.

Since anyin returned home, Qin Jian has seen an Yin, but they are only watching from a distance. At this time, seeing an Yin coming, he still can't suppress the heart of queyue.

For three years, I didn't say a word with her or see her smile for three years.

She came from the corridor, a short distance, God knows how happy he is, should be as happy as a teenager, can not suppress the joy in his heart.

Everything about patients on this floor is confidential. Therefore, the staff on this floor are directly assigned by the state. Doctors and nurses, seniority and moral character are strictly selected.

Such people, except an Yin, have worked for many years, and nothing is too young.

See Qin Jian, although not like a little girl, but still look at him more, he smile, more eye-catching.

Qin Jian sees the nurses and doctors who come and go around to look at him. He wants to be more natural. He doesn't stare at anyin too much, which makes her embarrassed. But his eyes stick to an Yin, where can he pull them apart.

Simply ignore, love how how how.

An Yin comes out of the doctor's office and sees Qin Jian standing in the elevator.

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