Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3164

An Yin went over and squatted down in front of Rong Zhen, holding her hand, "Ma."

Rong Zhen immediately laughed, "the evening Jin speech." Looking back, I saw that it was not mu Jin's words. The smile on her face disappeared instantly. Then she saw an Yin's face and laughed happily, "an Yin is back."

"Mom, do you know me?" An Yin was surprised and happy.

Rong Zhen touched anyin's face and anyin's head, as if she were a very rare treasure.

An Yin looks at Rong Zhen, some trance, for a time can not distinguish her, this is good, or crazy.

Looking back at Aunt Wang who was following her.

Aunt Wang said, "she is more active than before, but like a child."

Anyin asked, "what does the doctor say?"

Auntie Wang said, "the doctor said that she was forgetting herself selectively..."

Anyin is silent.

She also studied medicine, although she said that a person's memory is not controlled by her own, not what she wants to remember and what she wants to forget.

But the structure of human brain is very complex, and it is not impossible to have abnormalities under excessive stimulation.

Looking at such a mother, and then thinking of the imperial edict lying in the hospital, an Yin's heart was full of five flavors.

After supper with his mother, he made a phone call to the hospital and asked the doctor on duty about the imperial edict. He was relieved when he knew that his condition was stable.

Go back to the room and turn on the computer that has been idle for a long time.

Mouse over QQ, did not click open, read wechat for a while, also did not click open.

She is not ready to face questions from her relatives and friends.

Open the web at will.

After three years of isolation in Africa, we have to know what is going on at home.

In fact, what she wants to know most is about Qin Jian.

Although Qin's family is low-key and does not easily go to the news and suppress public opinion, the network is powerful, and Qin Jian has always been a figure standing on the top of the tower. No matter how the Qin family controls him, there will always be news about him on the Internet.

Regular website, as always, there is no report about Qin Jian.

However, after searching for the word "Qin Jian", all kinds of reports about Qin Jian and his son immediately appeared.


An Yin quickly opens one of the news.

News content is very vague, said two years ago paparazzi found Mu Shulan with a child, and then did a follow-up investigation, turned out to be Qin Jian's son.

An Yin's heart suddenly jumped to her throat.

Her son is obviously gone. Why does he have a son?

Who took someone else's children as their children and cheated him

Qin attaches great importance to blood. In this era, there is DNA, and we don't want to cheat. But with the existence of cloning technology, impossible things may become possible.

An Yin suppressed shock, one by one news.

Qin Jian has publicly admitted that he is his son, but there is no report on the mother of the child, nor is there any picture of the child.

Anyin shakes to land on the computer version of wechat, the information is red, she can't care to read the news, the mouse across Qin Jian's head, click Open Twilight Jin said: brother, I'm back.

An Yin a heart up and down waiting for a while, the evening Jin speech did not return the message.

I turned my head and looked at the clock on the wall. It was more than eleven o'clock.

At this time, Mu Jin said that normally she didn't sleep, but she didn't look at her mobile phone when she was dealing with business.

An Yin long vomited a breath, calmed down, sent a message to Lin Lin: Lin Lin.

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