Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3165

Lin Lin went abroad to play games. Today's competition has just ended, and she will return home tomorrow.

She had just taken a bath, blowing her head in the mirror and looking at herself in the mirror. Her face was a big circle thinner than before, and her apple face turned into a small melon seed face.

Three years!

Anyin has been away for three years without any news.

Before anyin left, she asked her to take care of Mu Jin Yan for her. However, in the past three years, Mu Jin Yan completely stopped contact with her.

If he doesn't want to talk to her, he doesn't want to go to her

Speaking of this, she did not dare and had no face to go to him again.

Can only silently pay attention to him.

And then found that the business of the twilight family has been in deficit, and the loss is extremely severe.

She doesn't know business. She thinks that Mu Jinyan's business is in trouble. She goes to her elder brother and asks him to help her.

Big brother said, he can't help.

She asked why.

The elder brother touched his head and said that no one could understand the heart of Mu Jin's words.

She suddenly understood that the loss of the evening family was intentional.

Why does he want to do this, she does not know, but intuition Mu Jin Yan is doing very dangerous things.

Want to understand this point, also understand, Mu Jin Yan why not let her close.

He was not afraid that she would kill him, but that he would bring danger to her.

She didn't know anything and could not help. All she could do was not make trouble.

Therefore, she ran to Rongzhen more diligently than before, not for more practice, but for more time to take care of Rong Zhen.

Take good care of Rong Zhen, he should have less worries.

The rest is to wait quietly, wait for an Yin to come back, and wait for him to finish what he wants to do.

The mobile phone has a message.

Lin Lin thought it was the team's announcement of tomorrow's meeting. She flashed the screen and saw the wechat prompt, but she didn't care. She opened it at will.

The portrait, which has been dark for three years, lights up with a message on it.

Lin Lin looked at the head portrait and stayed there for a long time.

Until the message prompt changed from 1 to 2, Lin Lin suddenly woke up. She quickly picked up her mobile phone, opened the message, and held her hand shaking.

An Yin: Lin Lin.

An Yin: is it there?

Lin Lin's tears came up directly, and she pasted her eyes and couldn't see the screen clearly, but she couldn't erase the tears in her eyes. Shaking her fingers, she typed "an Yin" on the keyboard of her mobile phone?

An Yin: Yes.

Lin Lin looked at the "um" word, did not believe it was her, no longer typing, quickly dial an Yin's mobile phone.

The subscriber you dialed is powered off.

Damn it.

This moment, there is a message: Lin Lin, I'm back, I miss you so much.

Lin Lin covered her mouth and cried, typing quickly: your mobile phone is off.

She had to make sure that the other person was an Yin, not someone who blacked her name, even though she was called by her name.

An Yin: I lost my mobile phone three years ago, and I haven't had a chance to buy it.

Now in this society, even in poor places, there are mobile phones to sell. If you lose your mobile phone and buy another one, it's not a matter at all. This saying sounds like an excuse, and there is no sincere excuse.

Anyin also knows that it's hard to convince people, but she does not have a mobile phone available.

Lin Lin bit her lip: where are you now?

An Yin: my grandfather's house.

Lin Lin immediately dials the landline of Rong's home. There is an extension in anyin's room. As soon as the phone rings, she picks it up immediately.

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