Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3158

She told herself that she took care of him only because she was a doctor and he was a patient, that was all.

Xiang Shaolong and Mingjie come in.

Anyin quickly stands aside and makes way for Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong uncovers the clothes on Zhao Yan's body, looks at it, and then asks anyin about the indexes he gives Zhao Yan to check.

Anyin reported the data and said, "these tubes can only be removed surgically."

Xiang Shaolong nodded his head and said, "how is your health?"

An Yin said: "not very good, but there is no life-threatening at present. However, it should take a long time to recover after surgery. "

Xiang Shaolong said: "in this case, we will immediately arrange him to go back to Seoul. After returning to Seoul, we will immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection. You should follow up on this matter. After the examination, I'll do the operation. "

"I'm going to Seoul?" the imperial edict asked

Xiang Shaolong didn't understand the meaning of the imperial edict. He thought he wanted to go back to the twilight family and said, "Mr. mu, although you are from the twilight family, I only operate in Seoul, so you can only treat in Seoul."

"Thank you, doctor," he said

Xiang Shaolong doesn't understand what the imperial edict is happy about. He looks at anyin, but a complex look flits across an Yin's face. Xiang Shaolong suddenly understands that Rong Zhen is also in Seoul

This time, more than 20 staff members were captured from the base, including the person in charge, who played a very important role in the base.

These people will be the International Court of justice, but because they are all infected with the virus and need treatment, only Xiang Shaolong's team can do the operation of virus infection.

Xiang Shaolong refused to undergo surgery abroad, so these people will be sent to Seoul.

On the same day, anyin returned to Seoul with the patients.

With the capture of the base, the former "Twilight" as a living person as evidence, the identity of Mu Shichang as the base's boss has also been revealed.

An international secret telegram was sent to the central government.

He exposed all kinds of accusations of collusion between staff officer Li and Mu Shichang.

Staff officer Li was detained, while Mu Shichang and Cai Ji, who tried to board a plane to escape from Seoul, were arrested.

Rong Laozi was reinstated, Rongxun and his subordinates "rebels" were stripped of their hats, and they made great contributions and returned to China with honor.

Qin Jian received news that she knew when anyin would return to Seoul, but she was on the same plane with the prisoners at the base, and those prisoners were confidential and their return journey could not be disclosed to the public.

Because Qin can't pick up the plane.

In the corner of the airport, there was a car. Qin Jian sat on the hood of the engine, looking at the planes flying overhead, landing one by one, and then looking at the passengers getting on and off the plane.

Just a glance, did not see an Yin, then again take back the line of sight.

Until the person he wanted to see got off the plane, his eyes darkened in an instant, and a shallow smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Anyin, you're back at last.

There were dozens of ambulances on the edge of the airport, which drove to the plane together. One by one, the patients were sent to the ambulance and left the airport under the escort of the armed forces.

Zhao Yan was also sent to an ambulance.

Although he was not a prisoner, his operation was performed by Xiang Shaolong, so he went to the same hospital.

Anyin was responsible for the inspection of the imperial edict and all the patients. When she got off the plane, she got on the ambulance. The armed forces surrounded the ambulance. She didn't see Qin Jian sitting on the hood in the corner of the crowd.

Qin Jian watched an Yin's ambulance leave the airport under the escort of a military vehicle, and then get on the bus to leave.

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