Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3157

Rong Xun said, "you are waiting. I'll go out and have a look."

An Yin said, "well.".

Rong Xun left the dark room, went to see the elder Rong, and told the story of the imperial edict.

Rong Laozi learned that Zhao Yan was imprisoned here, and was ready to clone. In addition, he learned that the late age Liang had already died, and that it was Zhao Yan who was in love with Rong Zhen. He could not speak after a long time.

When someone came over, the old man took a long breath, suppressed his roaring heart and whispered, "don't tell anyone about the imperial edict, just say that he is a good man in the twilight. Go and say hello to anyin

"Yes." Let Xun leave.

The imperial edict is a foreign race. If it is spread out, it will be a wave of irreconcilable disturbance. Cloning and genetic transformation are enough to shock people. We can't let more alien events involve in it and disrupt the current situation.

The base has been preserved intact, and the evidence of illegal experiments, cloning and genetic modification has also been completely preserved.

However, the secret experiment can not be made public to the public. It has become a secret that the highest ruling class of all countries can know.

Zhao Yan is carried out of the base. Anyin looks after the imperial edict sent away. Zhao Yan looks back to anyin. He doesn't know where he is going to be sent, and he doesn't know whether he can see anyin again. But anyin doesn't leave his meaning, so he doesn't dare to ask for anything.

The adjutant came forward and saluted Rong Xun. Then he turned to an Yin and said, "Doctor Li, please go there. Someone is looking for you."

Anyin quickly withdrew her sight from the imperial edict, "OK. Where is it? "

Rongxun still has something to do. Anyin follows the adjutant into a building. As soon as he enters the building, he sees many doctors and nurses in white coats.

It looks like this is a temporary treatment facility.

Walking into the inner ward, an Yin accidentally sees Xiang Shaolong and Mingjie.

"Professor, elder martial brother." Anyin's eyes widened.

Xiang Shaolong looked at her and said, "come and help."

"Yes." Anyin went forward immediately.

Mingjie turned back and laughed at her, "anyin, I was scared by you, thought you I didn't expect that you would come here and make great contributions. "

An Yin smiles bitterly.

Over the past two years, she did not want to mention any more.

Mingjie is very good at observing her face. Seeing an Yin's gloomy look, he knows that she's not good at it. He doesn't want to talk about it any more and assigns work to anyin.

"Take care of the innermost patient."

"Good." Anyin went inside.

Entering the inner room, I was surprised to find that there was only one patient in that room, and that patient was an imperial edict.

Zhao Yan saw an Yin, and his eyes flashed with joy.

Anyin avoided Zhao Yan's eyes and helped him lie down. "You are under my care now. You can tell me what you need."

The imperial edict shook his head, "I don't need anything. I just want to know where they're going to take me? "

An Yin is stunned. This is what she wants to know.

Zhao Yan looked at an Yin's expression and knew she didn't know. He sighed and asked, "is this time, can we catch dushichang?"

"I don't know. Maybe I can."

Anyin gave Zhao Yan all the checks she could do, and then walked away, went to get hot water and came back to wash Zhao Yan's face.

The imperial edict avoided, and an Yin was shocked.

The imperial edict said, "I'm too dirty. I'll do it myself."

An Yin said: "I'm a doctor. It doesn't matter whether I'm dirty or not. You're full of pipes. You can't move

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