Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3135

It is said that Japanese women are beautiful and tasteful.

However, the adjutant is very clear, this woman, can collude, but if the other side is not willing, he can not mess.

There are beauties in the reason, before that point of displeasure has been left behind, straight back, in front of the road, it looks like a cockerel.

Jakes opened his arms and walked in like a doctor.

Dr. Li frowned.

Step in front of Dr. Li Xun.

Instead of hugging and shaking hands.

Dr. Li glanced at Jakes' hand, did not reach out, and said in Japanese: "go to the base."

Jakes did not understand. Rongxun translated, "go to the base."

On the surface, Jakes asked for no fun, but actually it was another trial, because he received the news that the Japanese man had a serious cleanliness habit and would never let anyone touch his body.

Dr. Li's reaction was just right.

Jakes nodded and asked the adjutant to take the man away.

The three followed the adjutant into the basement.

The base was built underground.

Soldiers guard the door, open the heavy iron door, is a very long corridor.

A company into three soldiers guard the door, the eyes suddenly opened.

However, it is still not a laboratory, but a mechanized door, which requires authentication.

It's the most advanced equipment.

Three people came forward, and Dr. Li took out his ID card from his pocket.

His face was calm, but his whole heart was stuck in his throat.

Because this machine tests not only the face, but also the height and skeleton.

Their faces, let alone their bones, may not pass.

An Yin, who stands behind Dr. Li, has never had such a cooperation. Her hands are sweating.

The adjutant stares at Dr. Li and puts on the ID card of the detector.

The detector sends out an electronic voice, "after authentication, you can enter."

Dr. Li took back his ID card.

Then anyin and Rongxun passed the identity test respectively.

With the passage of three people's identities, the door opens automatically.

"Inside, we can't go in," the deputy said

Dr. Li nodded and entered the door with an Yin and Rong Xun.

The double iron door closed behind him.

The three were relieved.

Fortunately, when Qin Jian and Jin Peng came to Chad, Mr. Rong asked them to bring several sets of ID detectors to crack the chips.

Tell Qin Jian to give the chip to their people if they have a chance to meet them.

Without these chips, the three of them would be here today.

The people waiting inside saluted Dr. Li, "Dr. Zuotang."

Dr. Li nodded his head, and an Yin followed the man to change the anti bacteria clothes.

According to the regulations, Rongxun can only wait here and can't enter again.

Entering the base, an Yin immediately felt the familiar gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

It's a lot bigger than the fear base she remembers, but it feels exactly the same.

She could even imagine the frigid operating table behind some door, and the morgue.

They were led into the innermost door.

The man opened the door and said, "doctor, please."

Inside was a ward with several people lying on the bed.

When Dr. Li and an Yin walked in, they looked at them together. When they saw Dr. Li, they immediately showed joy.

At one glance, an Yin can confirm that these people are not the people who are used to do the experiment.

Because the people who are used to do the experiment will show fear rather than happiness when they see them.

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