Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3134

Out of the airport, the head of the armed forces waiting outside immediately met him.

Dr. Li just glanced at the man, nodded his head, and went to the bulletproof car parked at the gate of the airport.

An Yin and Rong Xun are closely behind Dr. Li.

Dr. Li didn't say a word, but the momentum made the other party have no doubt.

After Mr. f was arrested, Rongxun tried Mr. f all night.

Mr. f couldn't bear the interrogation of Rong Xun's men, and he knew it.

And this doctor is one of the people Mr. f knows.

Rong Xun got the news and immediately passed the information to the elder Rong.

This is his first contact with master Rong, apart from being a "rebel".

Master Rong immediately used all his hidden forces to find the doctor, and then contacted Qin Jian. He let Jin Peng black out all the doctor's systems, and knew that he was going to Chad.

Then he contacted Rong Xun, who immediately realized that the doctor's sudden arrival in Chad must have something to do with the photos they took.

So there was this act of posing as the other party.

Mr. Rong checked out the medical staff in advance and passed the information to Rongxun.

They don't have women, and nurses are indispensable roles, so Rongxun let an Yin participate in the task.

There are no good people in the secret base. People in the experimental village are infected, and the materials needed to treat the infected virus are very precious.

Xiang Shaolong relied on Qin's money to get drug citation in the alien space.

Naturally, people in the base would not be willing to put such precious medicine in the experimental village, so when the infected people's condition could not be controlled, they killed the whole village to keep the secret.

Therefore, when Rongxun was informed by master Rong that when the doctor went to Chad, he did not think that the doctor came to treat the people.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the experimental village, the motorcade did not stop, but went straight into Jakes' camp.

The car stopped in front of a building.

The door opened and a man in officer's clothes bent down and looked at the three of them carefully.

Anyin doesn't know who the other party is, but Rongxun knows that this is Jack's deputy, cunning like a fox.

If the three of them were found out at this time, they would be shot in the car immediately.

Mr. f said the doctor did not arrive in Chad, but the bodyguards and aides recognized him.

So, the key to this step is bodyguards.

Rong Xun looked at the adjutant for a moment, only looked at the other side, did not make any response.

During the interrogation of F, Rong Xun was watching and asked for details about the doctor and his personnel.

From these details, he can analyze the characters of those people.

According to the details mentioned by F, the bodyguards are isolated and not sociable. Even if they meet people they know, they are not necessarily enthusiastic.

The adjutant took a look at Rongxun, then looked at the doctor, and finally showed a smile: "Dr. Zuotang, welcome to Chad."

Dr. Li's face was dull. He nodded his head and did not speak.

The adjutant hit a nail and scolded in his heart, "a fart." But his face did not dare to show disrespect and said, "doctor, please get off the bus. Our general is waiting for you."

Dr. Li got out of the car.

After getting off the car, I sorted out the clothes on my body, which was quite a variety of exquisite small day I books.

Anyin, carrying a medicine box, followed closely.

When the adjutant saw an Yin disguised as a nurse, her eyes lit up.

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