Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3131

"With his own team, the old man sneaked into the secret base and rescued Canghe master and apprentice. It was the first time that the illegal secret research base was opened. Those people kidnap Canghe master and apprentice in order to let them join them and conduct research for them. Master, they broke the base, but the other side were all dead men. At the end of the fight, they detonated the bomb, and even the base was destroyed. "

"But Cang he was seriously injured and survived for more than a year, but he still died. However, from the mouth of Canghe and Xiang Shaolong, we know something about the base. That base is used to study alien genes. They capture a variety of alien species, especially the werewolf race, to study and extract their genes, which are used in humans to modify human genes. They didn't succeed at that time, but they produced a bunch of monsters. "

Anyin thought of the "monsters" that she saw in the snake Valley base. Those "monsters" were created by someone to do experiments.

Rong Xun then said: "their research is very inhumane. They know where the alien people live. They will go round and hunt down the children and the people with strong genes. Other old patients and disabled people will be hunted and killed wantonly. Naturally, such inhumane practices will never be allowed. Because, the old man later, spent a lot of thought, for a long time, check other such abnormal base, finally caught the founder of the base. Destroyed the last base. The founder of the base committed suicide on the way to escort. Although the ending is not perfect, it should end here. "

"But unexpectedly, a half werewolf village was slaughtered, breaking the still water. The high-level people in the world were astonished that the original creator still had descendants, and the secret base still existed Over the years, I've been searching for secret bases. Finally, we found out some things, but none of the people who were sent out survived. Therefore, the leader named this task death task, also known as death plan. I After taking this task, I took these brothers out... "

When anyin heard this, he understood that he was easy to leave and had no news. He went to carry out the "death plan".

Rong Xun took a deep breath and then said, "however, with the turmoil in the army, the old man was seized of power, and the death plan was secretly destroyed, and we were abroad Is the army going abroad at will? If we don't have a mission, but people are abroad, we will be charged with hijacking and sentencing our country. If it wasn't for the deep foundation of the old man, he would have been planted because of me. We have become rebels. Whoever contacts us will be punished by the enemy. Naturally, we can no longer have any contact with China, and we can only rely on ourselves. Just then, follow that line and find Africa. And that line points to Chad. But when you get to Chad, the line is broken. Instead, you find experimental villages and bases in other parts of Africa, the one you meet. But we believed in our own reconnaissance results, so we took root in Chad and continued to investigate. "

An Yin put his hand in his white coat pocket and looked up at him. "It seems that your judgment is not only correct, but also found a big fish."

Rongxun nodded. He was really a big fish.

The base that Jakes can keep must be a big fish.

He had a hunch that this would be their most important base.

If the mission can be completed this time, the death mission will be over.

PS: good night, babies.

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