Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3130

Africa was originally a high incidence area of epidemic diseases. Before, an Yin looked at these photos and thought that some kind of epidemic disease occurred in the village, but she had experienced the experience of the experimental village.

After looking at the photos, I immediately realized that this is an experimental village.

Anyin's experience in Africa only told Rongxun, but the story of the experimental village involved special diseases and epidemics, so anyin told Dr. Li.

Because, she is not sure whether there will be another experimental village in Africa.

In case there is a second, Dr. Li met, can quickly identify.

I didn't think about it. I really met.

Rong Xun looked at an Yin and said, "come with me."

An Yin took a look at Dr. Li. Seeing that Dr. Li was calm, she seemed to have guessed what Rongxun asked her to do, so she quickly followed him out.

Rong Xun leads an Yin and walks to a tree. Instead of speaking at once, he takes out a cigarette box from his pocket, smokes a cigarette, holds it in his mouth, takes back the lighter, and then takes out a disposable lighter. He lights it up and spits out a cigarette ring before he looks at anyin.

Although an Yin is not particularly averse to smoking, she also does not like to eat second-hand smoke, so Rongxun generally avoids her smoking for a while, and rarely smokes in front of her like this.

An Yin looked at Rongxun. "That village is not far from here, is it?"

"Well." Rongxun nodded.

"And those pictures were taken by your own people?"


"Talk about it." Anyin knows that since Rongxun has given her these photos, she has something to do.

Rongxun took a long puff of smoke, and then slowly began to speak, "the name of the village, translated into Chinese, is a village under the influence of Jakes. There are more than 300 people in the village. They grow bananas for Wilson for a living."

An Yin has been here for such a long time. Although he consciously does not inquire about the "privacy" of this army, he is not ignorant of the external form.

She knew that Jacques was one of the largest armed forces in Chad, and his power was comparable only to Wilson.

However, Jakes is famous for his cruelty. He often suppresses other armed forces and forces others to "give Confessions" to them. If they disobey them, they can drive tanks to flatten the other side's camp, burn, kill and loot, leaving no one alive.

In the past, Jakes and the former boss here also had some friction from time to time, but this is not close to Jakes' old nest, even if they attack here, it is not convenient.

So, although I played a few times, it was peaceful.

With Jakes' character, it is not easy for Rongxun's people to sneak into Jakes' sphere of influence to take these photos.

An Yin listens quietly without interrupting, waiting for the following.

Rongxun said: "in fact, you always want to know why we should stay in Chad, where birds don't poop."

An Yin has thought about this question many times.

They have been persecuted as "rebels". Although they are not in charge of them, they can be stationed in places with beautiful scenery and good conditions.

There's no need to stay in such a poor place.

However, Rongxun did not directly explain the reason, but said: "when the old man was still young, he was appointed to perform a very dangerous task to rescue a doctor under state key protection. The doctor's name is Canghe. Canghe's medical skills are so good that he is favored by a dangerous organization and kidnaps him and his apprentice Xiang Shaolong. "

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