Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3095

"Don't pick it. You have to eat more. You're skinny." Rongxun stopped anyin.

"I can't eat it. I eat too much in the evening. I've got a lot of work to do. " Anyin opened Rong Xun's hand and stopped after leaving only half a bowl of rice.

Rongxun looked at the half bowl of rice and frowned.

Anyin changed the topic, "Wow, the food is so delicious tonight. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. "

She has had three meals here, and she knows that their food is not good. Tonight's food is the same as usual. It's a hodgepodge, but there's a lot of ham sausage and lunch meat.

Rong Xun listened to an Yin's words, his heart was sour, gave an Yin a piece of ham sausage, "then eat more." These are the spoils of last night.

"Yes, chief." An Yin made a military salute.

Rong Xun frowned, "if you can't do military ceremony, don't force it blindly." He dislikes anyin's nonstandard military etiquette, but he keeps giving anyin meat.

Anyin looked at the mountains of bowls and protested, "don't clip it. I can't get any rice."

Rongxun looked at her and stopped to eat his own.

Rong Xun didn't have dinner with anyin, but he never thought that he would have dinner with anyin in this way. For a while, he couldn't tell what it was like.

There is a trace of joy in the bitterness.

Rong's tutoring is very strict and does not talk when eating.

In the army, though Rong Xun was not like those young masters who ate a small and gentle meal, he did not say a word.

An Yin took a piece of ham sausage to him, "you've lost a lot of weight."

Rong Xun slightly stagnated, "when you are at home, it's too late for you to avoid me. It's not so good for me."

An Yin said: "that's different. When you're at home, you're the Rong Shao General of the military area command, the third generation of the army. There are more people chasing after your ass and flattering. Where do you need me to treat you well. Now, we are sharing weal and woe... "

"Sharing weal and woe?" Rongxun looked up at her.

An Yin was embarrassed for a moment, "OK, now I'm a refugee. Thank you for taking me in. I have to hold your thigh..."

Rong Xun laughed, "do you want to stay?"

Anyin nodded, "I want to."

Rongxun looked at her squarely, "don't you want to go back?"

Anyin said, "I want to, but I want to go back with you."

The smile in Rong Xun's eyes slowly disappeared, "why?"

Anyin said, "I'm a doctor. I should stay where I need to be. You need me here." I want to take you back alive.

Rong Xun was silent for a moment, and then he opened his mouth again, "what should I do with Qin Jian?"

An Yin light way: "he had a car accident, hurt very seriously, was Gu Luan to 404 underground palace, now do not know whether he has come out."

Rongxun gazed into an Yin's eyes. "Did you leave Seoul because he was trapped in 404?"

An Yin shakes her head, "I don't want to be the chess piece of dushichang."

It can't be proved that "dushiliang" is false. She is the daughter of "dushiliang". No matter how much she cuts off contact with the twilight family, she can't avoid making an article on her.

She stayed in Seoul and did not know how many unexpected things happened. Leaving was the best way.

Otherwise, her grandfather and brother would not let her leave.

It's just that nobody expected that to happen.

Rong Xun took a light breath and said, "Qin Jian has come out."

An Yin expression is stagnant, the smile in the eye is somewhat reluctant, "is it? How do you know? "

Rong Xun did not answer.

He was unable to contact China, but did not say that he was completely out of touch.

PS: I don't know how many babies like to hold less.

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