Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3094

"Of course I know." Dr. Li's expression on his face was as inhumane as ever, "nurse Gao died, we need people."

Adjutant: "of course, I know that nurse Gao is dead. We are very short of medical staff. But she's not our soldier. Our mission has been leaked to non mission personnel. If it is found out later, we will go to the military court. "

Dr. Li scoffed and sneered, "we are rebels now. Before considering going to the military court, first think about whether we can live to that day."

The adjutant choked.

Dr. Li looked at Rong Xun and said coldly, "do you agree to let Dr. an stay?"

Rong Xun was silent.

This place is a ghost gate. If an Yin can leave safely, he does not want an Yin to stay at this time because of his selfishness, but there is no way to make her leave safely.

Dr. Li sneered: "if the old chief is here, he will let his granddaughter stay."

The adjutant opened his eyes in surprise, "is she the grandson of Rong Lao chief?"

"That's right." Looking at the adjutant's expression, Dr. Li knew that Rongxun had not released anyin's identity. He didn't want to worry about anyin's relationship with him.

The adjutant looked at Rongxun.

Rongxun took a breath and said, "she is my aunt's daughter and my cousin."

The adjutant stopped talking.

Dr. Li was staring at Rongxun. "What does the general think?"

Rong Xun said, "look at her."

Dr. Li nodded and turned away.

The adjutant was uncomfortable. "Sorry, general. I didn't know she was..."

"It's OK." Rongxun patted the adjutant on the shoulder. "We found several boxes of US dollars and two boxes of gold bars under Fick's bed. You can check them later."

Fick is the black armed leader who wants to eat them.

The adjutant's eyes brightened.

Since they became "rebels", they have been cut off all their military resources, and they have to rely on their own efforts for food and clothing.

They need a lot of money to support the army themselves, but they can't burn, kill and plunder like those local armies. They are in short supply for money by any means.

Not to mention a few boxes of US dollars, even two boxes of gold bars will be enough for them to replenish their supplies for a while.

At dinner time, an Yin finished her work and went back to her room to clean up. She wanted to eat in the dining hall. She opened the door, but she saw Rongxun holding a rice basin in one hand and a large vegetable basin in her arms, so she took over the vegetable pot in a hurry.

Rong Xun kicked the door and put two stainless steel bowls with rice on the table. "Are you hungry?"

"Not bad." An Yin looked at two pots of rice, some surprise, "how to have rice?"

In Africa, the staple food is corn and cassava, and rice is hard to see.

"When they bought the medicine, they had some rice with them. Today, the boat arrived, so it was a relief for everyone."

Anyin hasn't eaten rice for a long time. She really feels greedy.

Looking at the two rice pots with the same amount of rice, he pulled Rongxun's bowl of rice, pressed it with chopsticks, and picked up his own rice.

"Why?" Rongxun frowned.

"I can't eat so much."

Rong Xun's words are light and calm, but an Yin knows that they buy things mainly by going private. The rice is heavy and it's hard to take more. It's estimated that one person can only eat such a bowl.

Rongxun is a tall man with a height of 1.86 meters. He has a lot of exercise on the battlefield. He can't eat this bowl of rice at all. He is not full. He has to eat the tasteless white corn.

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