Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3089

Li Jinhui frowned and looked at an Yin, apparently in the suspicion that she did not pick the time to add chaos.

Before waiting for him to open his mouth, an Yin said, "I have dissected more than a thousand corpses, dissected hundreds of demon animal pills, and worked on the operating table for teachers for more than 100 times. I have completed more than a dozen operations on my own. The biggest operation is to remove the necrotic tissue on the muscles and veins."

Mu Jin Yan's operation is confidential. Anyin strips out the tissue infected by virus on the tendon of foot, saying it is necrotic tissue.

Although removing necrotic tissue is more than ten times less difficult than removing infected tissue, it is enough to be used as a starting hand and basic surgery.

Li Jinhui obviously doesn't believe anyin's words. She can dissect more than 1000 corpses at her age, and it's even more impossible for her to go to the operating table for independent autopsy.

Rong Xun came up and said, "her name is an Yin. She is Xiang Shaolong's Apprentice."

An Yin looks at Rong Xun. He obviously hears their conversation outside the door.

An accident flashed through Li Jinhui's eyes.

He and Xiang Shaolong graduated from the same medical university. Xiang Shaolong is his senior brother and exists like a God in their school. Although his medical skills are superb, his goals are different from those of Xiang Shaolong. Xiang Shaolong is addicted to virus research, and his heart is in the army, and he has been a field doctor for his whole life.

Li Jinhui takes a look at Rongxun and focuses on Xiang anyin.

An Yin immediately showed a innocent smile, "my teacher said, I give him a hand, he used it very easy..."

Li Jinhui was dumbfounded and laughed, "then try it." He murmured in his heart that Xiang Shaolong was really abnormal. When he taught his students how old she was, he dissected more than 1000 corpses.

An Yin got approval, and without waiting for Li Jinhui's order, she immediately went to the simple operating table to prepare the surgical equipment.

When she came in just now, she had already observed the medical room, and the conditions were very poor. She felt a pang when she thought that Rong Xun was performing his duties in such an environment.

Li Jinhui saw an Yin very clever, immediately more than a few points.

When an Yin was preparing the anesthetic, she did not see the anesthetic. She turned back and asked, "where is the anesthetic?"

Rong Xun and Li Jinhui look gloomy at the same time, and an Yin suddenly realizes what, "can't it be the same anesthetic?"

Rongxun took a deep breath and said, "it's really gone. We smuggled a batch of narcotic drugs, but they haven't arrived yet."

An Yin looks at the wounded on the eye bed. The wounded are silent and silent.

Even if the bullet is taken from the meat, if there is no anesthetic, it will be very painful. Not everyone can bear it. Digging a bullet in the bone will take a person's life.

Li Jinhui said: "when you are ready, let's start."

The wounded were carried to the operating table.

Li Jinhui took out the cloth belt and began to tie people. He tied the wounded's hands, feet and feet to the bed. He said, "general, hold this boy down for a while, so that he can't move around. If there is a problem, it will be more troublesome to amputate his limbs."

Rong Xun said, "well," and stood opposite Li Jinhui. He pressed his hands on the lower leg of the wounded man with his hands. It seems that this kind of work has not been done before.

Anyin looked for four weeks. There was no special operation or even aseptic room. The operation was carried out directly. The probability of bacterial infection was very high.

Does Rongxun keep his mission in such an environment all these days?

When she saw Rong Xun before, she always felt that soldiers were not good things. But at this time, she only had admiration in her heart.

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