Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3088

"No problem." Anyin's body is empty, but she has been on the boat for a few days, but she has a good meal and rest. She is much better than when she first got on the ship. Now it is a time when human life is at stake. How can the doctors around her stand by and watch.

All of them were brothers who had followed him across the sea and died together, bearing the brand of "rebel" just like him.

Only when the mission is completed alive can the rebel be cleared of its charges.

If they die like this, they will always bear the charge of "disgrace".

Although Rongxun was distressed by the sound of peace, he could only put away his personal feelings and nodded his head in front of human life, "you should pay attention to your body."


There were more than a dozen wounded, and a few were seriously injured. There was only one military doctor, who was very busy.

An Yin comes forward, pulls up his sleeve and begins to examine the wounded.

The name of the military doctor is Li Jinhui.

There was no woman in the army. Suddenly, a woman came out and the wounded were moved up. Li Jinhui was surprised and quickly stopped, "what are you doing?"

An Yin said: "save people."

All of a sudden hurt so many brothers, Li Jinhui is not only busy, but also in a bad mood. He doesn't have a tone of voice, "who are you? Saving people? Do you understand? "

Anyin had no experience in the field, such as gunshot wounds, only theoretical experience. He said truthfully, "I am a college student..."


Looking at an Yin's appearance, she is 17-8 years old. At this age, it's good to be a freshman.

Dayi can't even learn much about theory.

Li Jinhui frowned, "get up, don't get in the way here."

He is also a person who came from the University, and knows that those who just went to university are clumsy, clumsy, unable to do things, and more than defeated.

For general patients, it's OK to give them a try, but their soldiers are very expensive. One is damaged and the other is missing.

The parents and sisters of these soldiers are still on the other side of the sea, stretching their necks to wait for them to go back.

Before anyin finished her words, she was interrupted. She knew that the military doctor did not believe her medical skills. But at this time, it was not the time to quarrel, and looked at the wounded who was being examined by the military doctor.

The whole trousers of the wounded man were dyed red with blood. It seemed that he was seriously injured. He saw that the military doctor was cutting the pants of the wounded, revealing blood holes in his legs.

The hole is very deep, and there is only one hole. Obviously, the bullet is still in it. The situation should not be very good.

Anyin was smart enough not to provoke the military doctors, but to pick out the wounded who were relatively serious but could be treated as long as they knew the first aid knowledge.

Li Jinhui looked at an Yin and saw that she was skillful and did not hum again.

After all, some injuries, although not fatal at that time, can also happen if you lose too much blood.

It's better to have someone deal with it in time than to let them bleed.

Li Jinhui is no longer distracted. He looks back at the wound under his hand again. After examining the wound, he looks dignified. "The bullet is embedded in the bone. He has to have an operation immediately, or the leg will be useless."

The soldier was very young. He was twenty-three years old. He listened to Li Jinhui's words and was in a hurry. He grabbed Li Jinhui's arm. "Doctor Li, take the bullet. Can my leg work normally?"

They are not sure when they will have to fight. If something goes wrong with their legs, they will become a burden.

Li Jinhui said: "if you want to use it normally, just lie down and don't move."

The soldier lay back uneasily.

An Yin has just finished dealing with a wounded person's injury. After listening to this, she comes over and says, "I need surgery. I can help."

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