Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 777

Ji Qing\'s expression turned a little cold, she didn\'t turn her head, and kept staring at the script.

Song Jianning walked up to her, and said arrogantly, "Hey! I\'m talking to you, why are you ignoring me!"

Disgust flashed across Ji Qing\'s eyes, she did not look up at Song Jianning, but continued to read the script seriously.

Song Jianning frowned, her voice was slightly displeased: "Ji Qing, you dead woman, look at me, I\'m talking to you!"

Ji Qing suddenly raised her eyes, but instead of meeting Song Jianning\'s gaze, she looked away, and then said quietly, "Where are the dogs barking here?"

Song Jianning\'s expression turned cold, she glared at Ji Qing, and said angrily: "You bitch, tell me again, who is a dog!!"

Ji Qing said lightly, "Doesn\'t the dog bark all the time?"

Isn\'t that what she said?

She actually said she was a dog!

Damn it!

Song Jianning glared at Ji Qing viciously: "You bitch, say it again!"

Ji Qing didn\'t speak, but her expression turned cold.

"Say it!" Song Jianning said angrily.

Ji Qing frowned.

Song Jianning raised her face, and was about to slap her.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door: "Jian Ning, the assistant director is looking for you..."

Song Jianning was startled, she withdrew her hand, then glared at Ji Qing angrily, and walked out while responding: "I see..."

Song Jianning walked out of the dressing room domineeringly, stepping on the sky.

The powder room was as quiet as ever.

Ji Qing continued to read the script seriously.

Not long after, there were soft voices behind her. She turned her head and saw the man who had been harassing her.

This man is called Lin Hen.

Lin Hen came in, and he closed the door together, with a smile on his face: "Ji Qing, I\'ll give you one last chance, do you want to play with me!"

Ji Qing said without thinking, "No! I don\'t want to say it a third time!"

A flash of anger flashed across Lin Hen\'s face, and his expression became fierce: "Say it again! Are you sure you want to reject me?"

Ji Qing didn\'t speak, but her eyes were firm.

Lin Hen frowned tightly: "Let me tell you, I\'m the assistant director, and I\'m the assistant director who has the right to speak. Don\'t think that it\'s great for you to be the number one female for a while. As long as I\'m not satisfied, I I can let you go at any time!"

Ji Qing didn\'t speak, but her expression was very cold, and a chill radiated from her body.

Lin Hen was a little shocked when he saw her like this, but he stabilized his mind, and then said viciously: "Do you want to agree! I will give you one last chance to think about it!"

Ji Qing glanced at him lightly: "I won\'t agree, please leave here."

"Won\'t you agree? How dare you refuse me?" Lin Hen frowned tightly, his eyes were full of displeasure: "If you don\'t agree to me, then I will let you get out of the crew! Don\'t talk about the female lead No, even if you are a member of the public, you are not qualified to act!"

Ji Qing stood up and walked outside.

Since he won\'t leave, she will leave.

She is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and don\'t want to get entangled with him.

Lin Hen quickly grabbed Ji Qing\'s wrist, and also grabbed the arm that was injured yesterday: "Who told you to go? You are not allowed to leave without my permission!"