Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 776

Ji Qing also opened her mouth: "Yes, silly boy, you take it to the military academy. Your godmother prepared this for you. Don\'t waste your godmother\'s painstaking efforts."

Gu Jilin looked at the things in Lin Wanhan\'s hands, and said, "Thank you godmother."

After Ji Qing sent Gu Jilin back to the military academy, she returned to "Love as Deep as the Sea".

In the evening, Gu Jishen came back. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ji Qing nestled on the sofa. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then walked towards her with strides.

Ji Qing, who was nestled on the sofa, heard the footsteps, subconsciously raised her eyes and looked over, met a pair of deep eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Are you back?"

Gu Jishen came to her and sat down: "Well, I\'m back."

Ji Qing poked a piece of fruit and stuffed it into Gu Jishen\'s mouth: "Eat a piece of fruit."

After Gu Jishen finished eating the fruit with great enjoyment, he opened his mouth again and motioned for her to feed him.

Ji Qing raised her eyebrows, then poked a piece into Gu Jishen\'s mouth again.

The two of them nestled on the sofa and watched TV for a while, and then Ji Qing got up: "I\'m so sleepy, I\'m going to bed first, why don\'t you take a shower and go to sleep?"

Gu Jishen picked her up, walked to the bedroom, put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, said: "Good night." and went into the bathroom.

When he came out, he heard the girl\'s even and long breathing.

The softness between his brows was in a mess, his hand landed on her cheek lightly, and stroked it lightly: "My girl..."

Before he could finish his words, his gaze caught sight of a scratch on her arm, his pupils suddenly shrank, and doubts flashed across his eyes.

When did it hurt?

The wound looks like it was done today...

today? Isn\'t she on set today?

Did you get hurt on set? Injured by others?

As far as he knew, she went to the set today just for an audition. How could a person\'s one-man show be hurt by others?

Could it be that who bullied her on the set?

Gu Jishen\'s expression turned cold for a few moments, and there was a trace of murderous aura exuding from his body.

His woman dares to bully, she must be tired of work!

Gu Jishen\'s eyes turned dark.

The next day, Ji Qing didn\'t have to go to the set, and Gu Jishen didn\'t go to the company either, and the two of them stayed at home.

On the third day, Ji Qing was going to the set, and Gu Jishen personally sent her to the set.

Ji Qing got out of the car, then waved her hand: "Go to the company and be careful..."

Gu Jishen gave a faint "hmm" and didn\'t speak.

Ji Qing kissed him on the face, and then said: "Is it all right now? Hee hee, you should go to the company quickly..."

Gu Jishen\'s face was still as cold as ever: "I\'ll leave after I watch you go in."

The corner of Ji Qing\'s mouth raised a slight arc: "Okay then, I\'ll go in first, be careful on the road..."

Ji Qing waved her hand and entered the set.

After Ji Qing entered, Gu Jishen, who was sitting in the car, did not drive away, but sat in the car.

Today is the day of the start-up, and the cooperators and personnel of the crew are all gathered together.

After turning it on, Ji Qing sat in the dressing room, being put on by them.

After putting on their makeup, they helped Ji Qing change her clothes.

Since the filming hadn\'t started yet, they went out after helping Ji Qing with everything.

If there is only Ji Qing left in the dressing room.

Ji Qing glanced at the door, then read the script seriously.

"Hello!" A piercing voice penetrated into her ears.