Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 661

"I\'m sorry, if I had known that you had a phobia of the dark, I would never have brought you here..." Lu Xingze\'s voice was full of remorse and guilt.

Ji Qing raised her eyelids and glanced at him, angrily said, "Let me go..."

Before Ji Qing finished speaking, Lu Xingze interrupted coldly: "Xiaoqing, I will not let you go, not only will I not let you go, I want you to leave Gu Jishen!"

Ji Qing\'s pupils suddenly shrank, and her voice was firm: "I will not leave him."

The corner of Lu Xingze\'s mouth raised a bright smile: "Oh, is that right? Xiaoqing, wait a minute and you won\'t say that..."

Ji Qing frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart: "What do you mean by that?"

"You\'ll know later." Lu Xingze paused, and continued: "I\'ll give you another chance, can you leave Gu Jishen? I want you to take the initiative to leave him and give up on him."

"I won\'t leave him. Anyone can give up on him, but I can\'t give up on him..."

"Xiaoqing, let me tell you, Gu Jishen may spend his whole life in prison! He killed someone, you know that? He will pay for his life!"

"He didn\'t kill people, don\'t talk nonsense! He didn\'t kill people at all!" Ji Qing yelled with all her strength like a robot out of control.

The corners of Lu Xingze\'s mouth curled into a straight line: "If he didn\'t kill someone, he wouldn\'t be in jail!"

"He didn\'t kill anyone. You promised me that you would help me save him!"

"He has already killed someone, the evidence is conclusive, how can I save him?"

"Lu Xingze, you promised me, you can\'t break your promise..."

Lu Xingze\'s deep and dark eyes flashed a moment of deep thought, and his eyes were tightly locked on her body: "It\'s not impossible for me to save him, you must take the initiative to leave him!"

"Impossible, I can\'t leave him..." Ji Qing suddenly thought of something: "Since you can\'t save him, then I can save her too. Now that you let me go, I\'m going to save him... ...I don\'t want you to save him, I want to rescue him myself..."

"Xiaoqing, you are already here, do you think you can go out?"

"You want to imprison me? Why? Why imprison me..."

Lu Xingze\'s eyes were focused and deep, and his thin red lips curved slightly, evil and charming, but without any playfulness: "Because I want you."

"You let me go... A twisted melon is not sweet... We will not be happy together..."

"I just like melons that are not sweet! Tell me now, whether you agree or not!"

When she was in the restaurant, she sent a message to Si Jin, and she was about to tell Si Jin what happened today, but she fainted before touching the phone...

She didn\'t respond to Si Jin\'s guilty conscience, would Si Jin feel something was wrong? Then go back to save her?

She still has a glimmer of hope...

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will never give up!

Ji Qing\'s eyes were firm: "I won\'t leave Gu Jishen, never in my life! If I can\'t get out, grandpa and the others will know that Gu Jishen has been arrested sooner or later, and they will definitely try their best to rescue Gu Jishen."

Lu Xingze chuckled lightly: "Xiaoqing, do you really think I\'m so stupid? Do you think I\'ll let Grandpa Gu know that Gu Jishen has been arrested so that they can rescue Gu Jishen?"