Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 660

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a faint light came in, which happened to hit her.

The moment Ji Qing saw the faint light, Ji Qing\'s consciousness was slowly recovering, her body was no longer trembling so much, and her breathing was no longer difficult...

But her state still hasn\'t fully returned to normal, but she knows that she was kidnapped and trapped here.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the person who came: "It\'s you..."

The man came to her in stride, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and his voice was slightly smiling: "That\'s right, it\'s me."

Ji Qing\'s brows were tightly knit together, and her tone was a bit cold: "Why do you do this?"

"Because I want you." These words came out of the man\'s mouth, and his tone was firm.

Ji Qing\'s body was still limp and weak, and even speaking was a bit difficult: "You get my people...you can\'t get my heart..."

A bright smile appeared on Lu Xingze\'s face: "I have nothing else to ask for now, but I hope you can always be by my side, even though the person you love is not me."

Ji Qing\'s eyes were full of displeasure: "You let me out..."

Before Lu Xingze finished speaking, the candle in his hand was blown out by the breeze blowing in.

Ji Qing\'s pupils shrank suddenly, she sucked in a big mouthful of air, her body also trembled.

Lu Xingze frowned tightly, and he hastily dropped the candle in his hand, then pulled her to her side, and hugged her into his arms: "What\'s wrong with you? Xiaoqing...don\'t you scare me……"

Ji Qing didn\'t speak, her chest was heaving and unsteady, she was breathing heavily, her body was still trembling.

Her mind kept replaying the scenes of Han Meier and Lin Zihang abusing her in the dark underground warehouse in the previous life...

When he just came in, he saw Xiaoqing lying on the ground, her body was trembling constantly, and she was also breathing heavily, but after she saw the candle in his hand, she slowly stabilized .

Just now the breeze blew out the candle in his hand, Xiaoqing\'s body began to tremble again, and she breathed heavily, as if she was suffering.

Does Xiaoqing have a phobia of the dark?

Lu Xingze frowned even more: "Xiaoqing, do you have a phobia of the dark?"

He didn\'t get a response, and his brows frowned even tighter: "Xiaoqing, don\'t be afraid, I\'m here, don\'t be afraid..."

Ji Qing\'s body was still shaking.

A trace of worry flashed across Lu Xingze\'s eyes, and he quickly shouted, "Bring the lamp and come in."

People from outside quickly came in with lights.

"Light up the whole warehouse, hurry up!"

Soon, the entire warehouse lit up.

They closed the door, stepped back and guarded the door.

Seeing the bright lights in the room, Ji Qing\'s symptoms gradually calmed down, but they were still very unstable.

"Xiao Qing, do you really have a phobia of the dark? I\'m sorry, I shouldn\'t lock you in such a dark warehouse..."

Ji Qing\'s pupils suddenly shrank, and her consciousness became clearer.

She was locked in a warehouse?

There are so many warehouses in S City, which one is she locked in?

"Xiaoqing, if I come later, you might lose your life..." A trace of worry flashed across Lu Xingze\'s eyes.

Because he had heard that people with dark phobia would die if they reached a certain level of fear.

If he came a little later, she might really die...