Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1986

"Yes, it's up to me. Any man who touches me will die. "

"Touch you?" Han Lang frowned and saw her from the top down, a look of disgust, "I don't have that heavy taste."

Take the knife from her neck and throw her back to bed.

Xiao Pian was stunned. Then he noticed that he didn't have any discomfort. He didn't touch her.

He didn't touch her, she should be happy, but looking at his dislike, it's like looking at a lump of dirty things.

It reminds her that she was rescued by those livestock, Mo Qing, but she refused to touch her.

Mo Qing dislikes her, even such a cold-blooded killer dislikes her.

The heart seemed to be stabbed hard, and the pain made her suffocate.

He reached out and grabbed the man who was going away. "I'm so disgusting in your men's eyes?"

"Disgusting?" Han Lang turned his head, looked at the woman sitting on the bed, raised her delicate eyebrows, and suddenly bent down to approach her.

Xiao Pian quickly stepped back.

Han Lang put his hands on the bed on both sides of her body and looked at her delicate facial features closely. "I'm not interested in corpses."

“……” Xiao Pian opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"And if you want to sleep with me, clean yourself up. Although I'm not afraid of cold and raw, I can't chew on it because it stinks. "

He doesn't say it's OK. Xiao Pian's breath is full of the smell of drunkenness. It's really bad.

Her face was overcast and angry with embarrassment.

Grab the pillow, hit him, "less narcissism, who wants to sleep with you such a cold-blooded animal?"

Han Lang grabbed the pillow and threw it away. "Chi" gave a sound. He stood up straight and stepped back. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said, "today's hygiene, I'll replace all the quilts and sheets. Disinfect well. "

Xiao Pian was stunned.


Feelings have made her a plague.

Head a hot, suddenly came temper.

You think I'm sick?

I'm going to make you sick.

Xiao Pian got up and stood on the bed.

Han Lang didn't know what she was going to do. He turned to her and Xiao Pian jumped on him.

Han Lang catches her subconsciously.

Xiao Pian immediately entangled him like a snake, and bowed his head to kiss him.

Han Lang immediately turned to avoid, her small mouth in his face, Han Lang speechless rolled a white eye, "down."

"No way."

It stinks, doesn't it?

You stink.

The smell of wine all over her made Han Lang close his breath.

He raised his hand and grabbed her by the arm, trying to get her off.

"Let go, I'll be rough."

"I won't let it go."

Xiao Pian quickly put his legs around his thin waist, put his arms around his neck and held him tightly.

Han Lang squeezed her chin and pushed her face away.

She couldn't touch him, but the warm and soft sucking and blowing on his face was itchy.

His head tilted back slightly, away from her, and her whole face fell into his eyes.

Beautiful little face with pink luster, skin as white and tender as can pinch water.

He knew she was beautiful, but he didn't expect that when he looked so close, the face was so delicate and beautiful that he could hardly move his eyes down.

Her button was pulled away, revealing the white inside.

As soon as Han Lang's chest became hot, the man's instinctive desire suddenly awakened, and his eyes darkened.

He hugged her, strode into the bathroom, pressed her on the wall under the shower, and put his powerful hands around her waist.

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