Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1985

After vomiting, Xiao Pian finally felt comfortable, turned over and collapsed on the sofa.

Han Lang looked at the dirty pot and frowned.

It stinks.

Look at the woman lying on the sofa, the makeup on her face is completely gone.

He rolled his eyes in silence.

Get up to clean up the dirt, take a wet towel out, wipe Xiao Pian's messy face clean.

Wash off cosmetics, no rich makeup, a small melon seed face, very white, very beautiful, like a lotus petal buried in the mud.

She and Gu xiaoranchang are just like each other. They are as young and beautiful, but she is more rebellious and uninhibited.

Bad woman!


Han Lang went to the bathroom and came out after washing the towel. There was no one on the sofa.

He was stunned for a moment, turned his head and saw that the woman had climbed onto the bed, rolled up the quilt, shrunk into a ball, and held her arms tightly in front of her chest. It was a kind of self-protection sleep.

Han Lang went to the bedside, bent down, and put his hand beside her. He looked at her face carefully, but he saw a tear falling from her eyes.

He reached out to wipe away the tear.

"Can't let him go?"

She scratched her eyes with her fingers.

Xiao Pian reaches for his hand. He has been holding weapons for many years. His palm has a thin cocoon. It's rough, but it's warm and real.

Han Lang shrinks his hand. Xiao Pian feels that hand shrinks. He immediately clenches it and doesn't let it go. "Don't leave me."

She was asleep, just a drunken remark.

Han Lang didn't have the heart to pull out his hand and let her hold it tightly.

Sit down on the bed and quietly look out the window at the shadow of the trees.


Xiao Pian gradually wakes up and has a good night's sleep. He stretches comfortably before opening his eyes.

In front of me was a strange wooden roof.

What is this place?

Xiao Pian wakes up and looks down. He doesn't know where his overcoat is. His dress with buttons on the front is wrinkled, and the buttons are scattered, revealing half of his bra.

I'll see the killer lying on the sofa with his long legs open, sleeping soundly.

The windbreaker I saw yesterday was thrown aside. I unbuttoned a few of the shirt buttons on my body, revealing the firm thigh and chest muscles inside.

What did he do to her?

Xiao Pian's blood was all over his head.

The sight falls on the military dagger that Han Lang puts beside him.

She buttoned up, rolled out of bed, grabbed the military knife and stabbed Han Lang.

Han Lang, who was still sleeping a second ago, suddenly opened his eyes and saw the knife stabbed at him. He quickly rolled aside to avoid the knife. He raised his hand to catch xiaopian's wrist. With a skillful force, he grabbed the knife from her hand. As soon as the blade turned, the knife edge was put on xiaopian's neck.

Xiao Pian took a breath and didn't dare to move again.

This man has terrible skill.

She only met two people with such skills, Mo Qing and Zhuo ran.

"Woman, don't point a knife at me, or you won't know how to die."

"What did you do to me"

"what do you say?"

A man is tall and slender. Long term physical training makes his muscles clear and strong. The deep features are like knife carving, and a pair of dark brown eyes are as sharp as eagle eyes.

His powerful power makes Xiao Pian feel vulnerable under his command.

Xiao Pian's eyes suddenly turned red and glared at him, "if you don't kill me, I will kill you."

"Kill me?" Han Lang like to hear the funniest joke, "on you?"

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