Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1974

But he slammed the iron door on the roof and shut Belle out.

She was stunned.

He turned back and walked to her. She looked at him in bewilderment. "Why didn't you go?"

"Where to?"

"Where's belle?"

"You feel uncomfortable when someone looks at you, so naturally you have to close the door." He sat down beside her and went to catch her hand.

Gu Xiaoran looked anxiously at the closed door. How could he shut BEI'ER out of the door?

But Belle wants to be his shadow.

Gu Xiaoran thought of the shadow of Yonghao.

Yonghao and his shadow don't get along very well, and their cooperation is not so good. Several tasks almost have an accident.

BEI'ER becomes King's shadow. If King and BEI'ER are like Yong Hao and his shadow

Gu Xiaoran shivered.

She wanted him to be safe more than to be his shadow.

Gu Xiaoran thinks it's better to avoid it first. He puts his hand behind him and doesn't treat Mo Qing's wound. Then he gets up and is ready to leave.

When he saw that she was not willing to be obedient, he had a bad temper. He didn't bother to talk with her any more. He suddenly hugged her, threw her on his thigh and pressed her hard.

Then grab her little hand, shake the medicine carefully on her finger wound, and bandage it carefully.

Gu Xiaoran couldn't move. He turned to look at his beautiful side face. He was thinner than when he left, but the outline of his face was stronger and more beautiful.

"When did you start to carry shadows?"

Although she has passed the survival audit, she has not officially partnered with him, so she only has the name of shadow, but she is not a real shadow. It's not surprising that she was replaced by belle.

He slightly side face, glanced at her, "fast."

Gu Xiaoran's heart is blocked. BEI'ER is going to be in the top position.

The little rabbit jumped in front of her and smelled her nose. Her soft beard swept through her nostrils and made her sneeze. The little rabbit jumped away.

Gu Xiaoran is pressed by him, sneeze is not smooth, endure very afflictive, "let go of me quickly."

Mo Qing had wrapped up her fingers. Seeing her funny expression, she let go of the elbow pressing on her back and pulled her from her leg and into her arms.

Gu Xiaoran sneezed for a long time, and his saliva came out on his face.

He stares at her, one hand hoops her waist, one hand wipes the saliva on the face, helpless way: "you can't gentle point."

Gu Xiaoran was so embarrassed that his face turned red. "You let the rabbit beard poke his nostrils. I'll see if you're gentle."

He chuckled, looked down at her, and saw that her small face was as red as an apple, and her soft lip was bitten red, which was particularly lovely and moving.

Love is not allowed in the camp, but it's not clear that it's forbidden between men and women. Over the years, he has run into elder martial brothers and elder martial sisters to do that kind of thing secretly.

He is 15 years old and has reached the age when he will like the opposite sex.

He looked at her quietly, and there was a strange feeling in his eyes. He saw her growing up, and he saw her more and more beautiful. Now she is only ten years old, and she is already so beautiful. In a few years, I don't know how beautiful she will be.

At that time, there will be many men pursuing her.

I suddenly think of Yonghao.

He went back to camp today, entered the gate, and habitually looked at the top of the building.

Because every time he went out on a mission, she would lie on the roof waiting for him.

She turned out to be on the top of the building.

He is full of dust and doesn't care to take a bath and change clothes, so he goes to the top of the building. As a result, he sees Yonghao and she are making trouble.

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