Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1973

During the day today, BEI'ER had been swaggering in front of her. She said that she would soon become a wolf queen. If she knew what to do, she would get away early.

She thought, he will soon have a wolf, her shadow did not wait to go out with him to carry out the task, will be eliminated, immediately feel uncomfortable.

Subconsciously to the side to avoid, but where she can avoid him, in the twinkling of an eye has been his wrist.

He looked down at her fingers. The knuckles of her fingers were bloody and shocking. He pulled out her other hand on her back, which was the same. His face suddenly sank.

Gu Xiaoran thought that he was going to be with BEI'ER, and didn't want to be pulled back by him. He held it tightly, but she couldn't pull it out.

Her action made him feel worse. He looked at her coldly and pinched her index finger joint. Gu Xiaoran gasped in pain and tried to withdraw his hand.

He held on to her hands and pinched her fingers one by one. Seeing that she had not hurt her bones, he was relieved. "Don't do this again. If Yonghao tries harder, your hands will be useless."

"If it's useless, it's useless." Gu Xiaoran thought that since he wanted belle to be his shadow, they would have nothing to do with each other. What's the point of being nice to her like this.

"What did you say?" Mo Qing frowned, and her eyes were cold.

"Nothing." She lowered her head. If Belle can replace her and be his shadow, it only shows that she is not strong enough to blame others.

Mo Qing thin lips close, eyes in the moonlight dark down, don't know what's wrong with her, take out the wound medicine from the pocket, and a roll of bandage.

Gu Xiaoran took advantage of his distraction when he took the medicine, and suddenly withdrew his hand and ran away.

Just at this time, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairway, turned to see the figure of BEI'ER appeared at the stairway, and turned to leave.

Mo Qing grabbed her, "you have to deal with the injury on your hand."

Gu Xiaoran was only ten years old. He didn't know the love between men and women, but he also had instinctive preferences.

She saw Belle standing at the stairway, looking at them bitterly, which made her very uncomfortable.

Suddenly came temper, forced to fall, he grabbed her hand, "let me go."

Mo Qing held her hand more tightly. Her hand was very small and slippery, just like if she let it go a little, she would take it off. "What's the matter with you?"

Belle didn't leave or come near. She just stood there and looked at them.

Gu Xiaoran was more anxious. Regardless of the pain on his fingers, he pulled his fingers hard and said, "let me go."

Mo Qing frowns, Qi Qi is not without willful, but such a tantrum is rare.

What's wrong with her?

He saw that she always looked out of the door. Looking back, he saw BEI'ER standing at the stairway. With a frown, he let go of Gu Xiaoran and went to the stairway.

Gu Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the stone, looked at his back, and his heart was cold. He really wanted to choose Belle as his shadow.

She felt terrible.

She was here when she was three years old. It was he who opened the defense line in her heart and followed him all the time.

In order to be his shadow, I have been training with him all the time.

She has done her best

But he will choose Belle after all.

Tears poured up, but stubbornly do not let tears flow down.

Even if she loses, she should not show weakness in front of belle.

All of a sudden, the door slammed, her heart jumped and she looked up.

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