Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1821

Han Jinbiao did plan to do so, but he was so deep in the city that even though Gu Xiaoran saw through his mind, he didn't show his face.

But the people around him could not calm down, "Lao Cheng, why do you talk so much nonsense with her, and deal with her quickly, so as not to cause trouble."

He Meizhen!

Gu Xiaoran heard the voice and was stunned for a moment. He immediately understood.

It turned out that he Meizhen was the one who was watching Cheng peini.

Before he Meizhen took Cheng peini to Cheng Xiaoyue's house to make trouble, but it was just a cover up, which made people think that she had no contact with Han Jinbiao.

When no one will pay attention to her, she will be more convenient to monitor everything around her, and then pass the message to Han Jinbiao.

Han Jinbiao also worried that before Gu Xiaoran died, the Mohists would arrive and winked at his subordinates.

The subordinate nodded, opened the small iron window on the iron door, and put out two guns.

Gu Xiaoran's point of view, from the door to shoot her.

So these two guns can only be used to shoot Yu Fang on the other side and break the rope dragged into the snake's dilemma.

Gu Xiaoran is aware of Han Jinbiao's intention, and his heart suddenly tightens.

She stands in a position where she can only choose to save one.

In the pit, Mo Qing still hasn't moved, and she can't just abandon Mo Qing.

If you go to save her mother, Mo Qing will be buried in the belly of the snake.

If you keep Mo Qing, you can't save your mother.

To save Mo Qing and Yu Fang at the same time, there is only one way to leave the door and attack her.

But if she's hit, Mo Qing and Yu Fang are equally doomed.

This is a dead move.

Gu Xiaoran's eyes were full of blood. He just wanted to swallow Han Jinbiao alive.

Han Jinbiao winks at his subordinates and asks them to shoot, but don't hit them. When Gu Xiaoran is shot, Yu Fang and Mo Qing will die.

Gu Xiaoran saw that the other side did not shoot immediately, and guessed Han Jinbiao's motive.

I know Han Jinbiao wants to shoot her.

But Han Jinbiao won't let her have more opportunities to delay. If she doesn't go out, Han Jinbiao will change her mind and attack Yu Fang and Mo Qing.

She had no choice but to gamble.

He turned to the pit and cried, "damn Moqing, if you don't come up again, I'll throw you down to feed the snake."

Besides, Mo Qing's consciousness became weaker and weaker when he was invaded by the poisonous gas. At the edge of losing consciousness, he knew that once he lost consciousness, he would die.

He forced himself to regain consciousness by his strong will. In this process, he completely immersed himself in the realm of listening but not listening. He didn't know what was said and what happened until Gu Xiaoran's sharp drink woke him up.

After waking up, he heard that Gu Xiaoran wanted to throw him down to feed the snake and turned his eyes.

Bang -

Bang -

two shots.

These two shots are off target.

Mo Qing heard the gunshot and was surprised, "Xiao ran!"

Gu Xiaoran heard Mo Qing's voice. He was both surprised and pleased. He cried out, "king, the rope is flashing!"

Although Mo Qing didn't know what was going on, his tacit understanding with Gu Xiaoran had reached the point where he had a good idea. He pushed on the wall without thinking at all, swung his body aside, and the rope moved away from the muzzle.

Gu Xiaoran picked up the place on the ground and threw it to the window.

People outside thought it was Gu Xiaoran.

Immediately, two guns, one of them turned to Gu Xiaoran's clothes, and the other shot at the rope that Mo Qing was pulling.

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