Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1820

Afraid that one arrow could not support the weight of the three, Gu Xiaoran shot another arrow into the wall. Then he tore off his clothes, tied them on his waist and fixed them on another arrow to disperse the weight. At the same time, he could drag the rope with his free hand.

To do this well, I pulled the arrow nailed in the wall. It was very strong, and I felt a little relieved.

Although Gu Xiaoran's skill is good, she is a woman after all. Her strength is limited, and Mo Qing is tall.

Even under normal circumstances, if Mo Qing doesn't cooperate, it's hard to drag Mo Qing up on her own.

At the foot is stained with slippery tiles, slippery to death, completely unable to bear the force.

It's hard to pull Mo Qing up with her own strength.

Whispered, "king, how are you?"

The poisonous gas in the snake pit is very heavy. Mo Qing only feels that her mind is getting more and more blurred. She hears Gu Xiaoran's voice, but she can't hear what she is saying.

Gu Xiaoran couldn't hear Mo Qing's response, so he was more worried.

If Mo Qing could hear her, she would never have no response. This kind of situation is very common, but Mo Qing has been in a coma.

With her understanding of Mo Qing, if he doesn't have the chance to survive, he will let her find a way to leave first, and won't let her be trapped here with him.

He has been dragging the rope, did not make the next arrangement, that he has not come to a dead end.

If he was in a coma, he would just pull the rope with the will of his subconscious mind.

At this time, if she pulled the rope and couldn't pull him out of the snake, she would probably tell him to drop the snake.

At this time, all she had to do was try her best to support her, and try to make Mo Qing wake up as soon as possible.

Gu Xiaoran has excellent hearing. He hears a light noise behind the door. Then he sees a shadow passing by the cat's eye on the door. He knows that Han Jinbiao has opened the dark window on the door, and then monitors her and Mo Qing's actions through the cat's eye.

Gu Xiaoran sneered.

Han Jinbiao keeps saying that he will kill her and Moqing in the basement. If he really wants to, he won't stay at the door and refuse to leave.

Just because he opened the secret door to steal, Gu Xiaoran could conclude that what Han Jinbiao said was just another trap for them to relax their vigilance.

He raised his voice and said, "if you kill me and Mo Qing, you won't be afraid that Mo Zhenzhong won't let you go?"

Although Gu Xiaoran couldn't see Mo Qing hanging in the pit, he felt the rope move slightly, and his heart tightened suddenly - Mo Qing responded.

Gu Xiaoran was nervous and worried.

After a coma, people are most likely to be confused when they wake up. If Mo Qing forgets her situation and lets go when she wakes up, it's over.

Gu Xiaoran deliberately talks to Han Jinbiao, letting Mo Qing hear Han Jinbiao's voice and feel the crisis before regaining consciousness.

Han Jinbiao heard Gu Xiaoran's words and knew that he was found peeping. He scolded Gu Xiaoran, the ghost girl.

He thought that if he didn't kill you and you went out, Mo Zhenzhong would not let him go.

"Do you think we're really coming here without any arrangement? We're missing here. How can our people not guess what happened to us? If people don't know, unless you don't do it yourself, do you really think that if you kill us, you can hide the truth? Han Jinbiao is guarding the door. He just wants to deal with us as soon as possible. When our people come, you can have no proof. "

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