Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1803

In Yu Fang's memory, she also saw that Yu Fang was preparing drugs for a terrible experiment aimed at people with special abilities.

However, Yu Fang also did not know the content of the test, just according to the requirements of the preparation of drugs.

She also knows that the baby is not her child. The baby's mother is Bai Mei and her father is Gu QingChu

In a flash, she realized that Gu QingChu had other women.

He doesn't want children, just doesn't want her children, because her children may inherit her ability

Perhaps, the main reason is that she is just a pawn under his hand.

Seeing this, she had lost her consciousness completely.

When she woke up again, Gu QingChu was sitting beside her bed, holding her hand and her eyes were red.

He watched her wake up, relieved and laughed.

She didn't know how long she had been in a coma. Looking at him like this, she was not only hurt, but also satirized.

Is he afraid that she will die and his mission will not be carried out?

She pulled her hand out of his hand and said, "don't pretend. I know all about it. Gu QingChu, we have nothing to do with each other in the future. " She didn't tell him that she had a baby. She didn't think it was necessary for him to know.

He was stunned. All the smiles in his eyes faded away and he looked at her without saying a word.

In the following days, she didn't want to say a word to him.

When she didn't speak, he quietly accompanied her and took care of her until she was discharged.

On the day of discharge, she thought it was time for them to say goodbye, but he parked his car in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

She looked at him in bewilderment. He looked at her and said calmly, "let's get married."

She thought he was still acting and deliberately said, "OK."

Unexpectedly, he and she really entered the Civil Affairs Bureau, registered marriage, took these two books, or military marriage!

Looking at the marriage certificate in her hand, she felt like a dream. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Back home, she didn't ask him why.

Since he wants to continue the play, she plays with him.

It's not that she has no backbone and can't leave him, but she really likes him and misses him too much

When he came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he was silent all the time. When he came back to Gu's home, he gave her this box, which contained the title deed of Gu's old house and the key to the secret room.

She put the marriage certificate in the box and put it in the safe in the wall.

The safe in the wall was installed for her by her. She said it was used to keep her secret. No one knew it except her and Gu QingChu.

When she went to put things, Yu Fang came.

Yu Fang didn't see her in the dog house. She went straight to Gu QingChu.

She hid quietly outside the window and heard Yu Fang say, "she hypnotized me and knew everything I knew."

He said, "so?"

"I've made a report to it..." Yu Fang put a pill on the table and turned to leave.

At that time, she did not know that it was a pill that could burn bad people's brain nerves and erase people's memory.

When Yu Fang left, she pretended to know nothing and went back to the room.

The pill was gone, so he put it away.

He made her favorite dish.

She wasn't clean. He thought she came to his aunt and went to bed at night. He didn't touch her. He just hugged her tightly and said, "I'm sorry!"

At that time, she thought that his sorry meant cheating on her before. Later, she knew that his sorry was 19 years' imprisonment.

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