Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1802

"I'll take the medicine later." He saw disappointment and loneliness in her eyes, and kissed her, "come on, when I'm out of the army, you can have as many children as you want. We can have a bunch of children."

She gave a wry smile and didn't tell him that she was pregnant.

He returned the next day.

It was the helicopter from the army that came to pick him up. In the eyes of her subordinates who came to pick him up, she knew that he didn't have a holiday at all. She asked for a night off and came back to see her.

Her father used to be a driver in the special forces. Naturally, he knew that the duty of a soldier was to obey orders. He had too many things to do. Before he left, he tried to come back to accompany her all night. She was satisfied.

Even for the child's child some depressed, but did not blame him.

Big deal, she gave birth quietly.

She is not married to him, the child is her own, it has nothing to do with him.

Since then, in order not to be found out and cause trouble, she left Gu's home and took aunt Qin to Seoul.

When she first left the Miao family, in order to avoid her father, she bought an old house in Seoul, which only Gu QingChu knew.

Aunt Qin is a servant of her Miao family. Her mother died early, and she has been taking care of her.

Later, she went to Gu's home. Aunt Qin found her and stayed with her.

Her child is very pregnant. Even if she occasionally goes back to Linjiang to take care of her family or go to the company, no one finds out.

But once, when she went back to Linjiang to take care of her family, she accidentally fell and broke her amniotic fluid. On that day, Gu Zhengrong's parents, the servant of the family, went out to a party. There was no one at home.

She went to Seoul. The old dog who stayed in Gu went to Gu's brother and sister for help, but she never came back.

Fortunately, neighbors found that she fainted, so they called an ambulance.

When she was carried to the ambulance, Gu Zhengrong happened to send his parents back, only to know that she had a child.

When she woke up, Gu Zhengrong told her that the child was gone.

She didn't believe it. She fought back and forced Gu Zhengrong to read his mind.

But she was too weak, only to see Gu Zhengrong holding a pair of twins in a coma.

When she woke up again, Gu Zhengrong had already left.

She went to the company, the company said Gu Zhengrong business trip, went abroad.

She knew that Gu Zhengrong deliberately avoided her.

Unable to find Gu Zhengrong, she went to Yu Fang. Unexpectedly, she saw Yu Fang with a newborn baby.

She thought that the baby was her child, but she clearly saw that Gu Zhengrong was carrying away two children.

But Gu Zhengrong said that her child is gone, but Yu Fang has a child here, and she never knew that Yu Fang was pregnant.

Coincidentally, she couldn't believe that the child had nothing to do with her.

Regardless of her weak body, she forced Yu Fang to hypnotize.

At that time, she found that Yu Fang's consciousness was no less powerful than Gu QingChu's. she could not hypnotize her.

Weakness and backfire almost killed her.

Yu Fang see her accident, a moment of panic, squat down to see if she can save.

Yu Fang did not expect that she was seriously injured, but the more seriously injured, the stronger her ability.

No matter how strong Yu Fang's will is, it can't match the power released at the moment when she was on the verge of death.

She knows that Yu Fang used to be Gu QingChu's assistant. Gu QingChu approached her for the purpose of investigating the Miao family

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