Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1676

However, no matter how strong she was, her consciousness was still gradually disappearing. Before her consciousness disappeared, she saw Gu Xiaoran. Before she could see zhuoran who was following her, her eyes were dark and she didn't know anything.

Only left a trace of disappointment in my heart.

Gu Xiaoran looked at Yu Fei, who was covered with blood, and turned pale. When the doctor finished the first aid measures, he asked, "doctor, my aunt was fine before. Why did she suddenly do this?"

"Well, the blood vessels in the patient's frontal horn are worn and thin, and she seems to be in an unstable mood, causing the blood vessels that haven't grown well to rupture again."

Gu Xiaoran knew what Yu Fei's heart trouble was, and his heart was silent.

"Why not send it to the emergency room?"

"It's a sudden massive hemorrhage. Moving will increase the amount of bleeding, which will be more dangerous. When the patient wakes up and there is no more bleeding, she can be laid flat

Standing beside Zhuo ran took a breath and asked, "how is she now?"

"Fortunately, timely rescue, bleeding has been controlled, temporarily out of danger, but after the patient wakes up, can not let the patient be stimulated, emotion must be stable, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no danger again."

"Thank you, doctor." Gu Xiaoran sent the doctor out.

Zhuo ran saw Yu Fei shivering with cold in a coma, took the quilt on her bed and wrapped her up.

Yu Fei's medical suit is full of blood, but she can't move now. She can't change her clothes. The nurse calls hot water to wash her face and hands.

Gu Xiaoran was about to take the towel from the nurse, but Zhuo ran took the first step, "give it to me."

Zhuo ran took the towel and gently wiped the blood on Yu Fei's face.

Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing take a look at each other and signal the nurse to leave together. They give the ward to zhuoran and Yu Fei.

Yu Fei felt that she was wandering in the dark, very hard and uncomfortable. She wanted to wake up, but she couldn't wake up.

Suddenly, she saw a light in front of her. She ran over happily, but she saw Zhuo ran holding a sword and stabbing at a person in front of her. She couldn't see who Zhuo ran was stabbing. Her heart jumped to her throat nervously. Just before Zhuo ran wanted to stab that person, that person waved a knife and slashed Zhuo ran hard.

Don't -

Yu Fei opened her eyes abruptly, her vision changed from blurred to clear, and then she felt dizzy.

Suddenly feel someone holding her hand, is using a hot towel to wipe her hand, the heat makes her feel very comfortable.

She looked down and saw Zhuo ran squatting in front of her, wiping the blood on her hands with a towel.

Are you dreaming or dead?

The forehead was numb with pain, but the pain made her wake up gradually. It won't hurt when people die.

Isn't she dead?

He in front of him

Yu Fei breathed and wanted to raise her hand to touch his face to see whether it was his own illusion or whether he was really there.

Zhuo ran felt her hand, raised his head and looked at her like joy and worry.

Yu Fei saw his face, which was familiar to her, but her eyes were full of concern.

"Zhuo ran?" She spoke carefully, afraid that it was an illusion. When her voice was louder, he disappeared from front of her.

Zhuo ran raised his hand to caress her forehead, and put a wisp of hair on her face behind her ears, "wake up?"

Yu Fei some confused open eyes to see him, too gentle.

In memory, he would not.

Is it a dream?

"Does it hurt a lot?" He took her hand and tightened it slightly, as if she were a rare treasure. He was afraid that if he could not hold her, she would disappear.

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