Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1677

"Well." Yu Fei has a terrible headache, but if he has a headache, he can appear. She would rather have a headache.

She looked straight at Zhuo Ran's face, which was really beautiful. I really want to see it like this for a lifetime.

After a long time, she slowly raised her hand and went on to touch his face.

When his finger was about to touch his thin face, he saw a lot of dried blood on his hand. He stopped and slowly let it go.

He is so clean that she dare not touch his face with such dirty hands.

Zhuo ran looked at the hand that she drew back, silent for a moment, let go of the hand that is holding in the hand, carry water basin to walk away.

"Don't go."

Zhuo ran stopped, "I don't go, I change the water."

Yu Fei noticed that there was no blood on her other hand.

Just think of when just want to come, hot towel covers the feeling on the hand.

A warm heart.

Zhuo ran went to the bathroom and changed the clean water. He went back to Yu Fei and took a look at her. Then he held her hand which had not been cleaned.

"The doctor said, you can't get excited, or you will burst the blood vessel."

His voice is as cool as usual, but Yu Fei feels unspeakable warmth when she listens. She looks at him squatting in front of her and carefully cleans the blood on her hands.

Thick black eyebrows, neat and delicate, clean without a messy eyebrow line.

The bridge of the nose is very high, straight, like a knife.

The cheeks are thin, but the lines are soft and pretty.

Yu Fei looks at him and smiles.

Fortunately, he didn't die.

Zhuo ran looks at Yu Fei's hand in her hand. Her hand is not as thin as her people, white, fleshy, with a few little finger sockets. It looks lovely, but the bone of her hand is very small, but it looks very thin. It's very soft in her hand, like no bone.

The old man said, such a hand is blessed.

She has such a pair of lucky hands, how can she meet someone like him.

Zhuo ran slightly clenched thin cool lips, raised an eye to see toward her, to the line of sight that she has been stopping to stay on his face.

My heart is like a stone.

She took a deep breath, put down her hand and walked away with the basin.

He went into the bathroom, poured out the bloody water in the basin and looked up at himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, he is thin and white, like a scholar, but this one is a devil engulfed by hatred.

He killed people without blinking an eye, and his hands were bloody.

Yu Fei knew him in that situation. It's impossible not to know what kind of person he was. Why should he be so stupid?

Just because of his skin?

Knowing that being so close to her would do no harm to her, he couldn't bear to walk away.

Damn it.

Zhuo ran took two hard breaths to keep his head cool, washed his hands and returned to the ward.

He lowered his head and gently lifted the head on her forehead. Seeing that there was no more bleeding in the wound, he bent down to gently hold her horizontally, put her on the bed, and wrapped her tightly with a quilt. "Is it still cold?"

"It's not cold."

Yu Fei's throat was as dry as a handful of sand. Every time she said a word, she felt that her throat was like being cut by a saw. She lost too much blood and was thirsty.

Zhuo ran saw Yu Fei swallow, let go of her hand, got up to pour a cup of warm water for her, sat down beside the bed, gently helped her to sit up, let her back lean against his arms, and put the water cup to her mouth.

She lowered her head to drink the water in the glass. He gently tilted the glass and poured it into her mouth bit by bit to prevent her head from making big movements.

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