Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1659

"Go to sleep."


"Make sure she's ok?"

"Normal action, no difference."

Gu Xiaoran looked at the tracking signal on his mobile phone and slowly pursed his lips.

She won't doubt the cheetah's words, but she has a hunch that there's something wrong with it.

But what's the problem?

Gu Xiaoran looked at the baozi shop, opened the door and wanted to get off the car to have a look at it.

Right here, I saw Yu Fang's signal moving, leaving from the front door of baozi shop. From the speed point of view, it was walking.

Gu Xiaoran no longer hesitated, got out of the car and followed the signal.

Her skill is enough to deal with three or five young men, and the cheetah will follow her quietly. If anything happens, she won't fight alone.

For fear of being found, Gu Xiaoran did not dare to follow the signal too close and hung far behind.

Although she was far behind, the people in front of her could see clearly when they passed the place with street lights. It was Zeng baozi, the owner of baozi shop.

Why did Zeng baozi go out at night with Yu Fang's mobile phone?

Gu Xiaoran felt more and more strange and paid more attention to Zeng baozi.

After a while, I always feel that Zeng baozi's walking posture is a little different from usual.

Zeng baozi went to a row of old houses.

This row of old houses is included in the quota of demolition, but construction has not started yet, so there will be rental for the time being.

Most of the houses here are rented daily, which is convenient for the parents of students coming to a university to live temporarily. The population mobility is very large, so no one will pay attention to the tenants here.

Zeng baozi stood at the door of a house and looked back, as if to see if anyone was following her.

Just at this time, the moon was shining on her face. It was Zeng baozi.

Gu Xiaoran didn't know what she was doing here, but although the house was very old, the doors and windows were very solid, so he couldn't see what was going on inside. He could only see the light from the crack of the door.

After waiting for a while, I couldn't hear anything in the room. I was wondering if I wanted to pretend I was going to the wrong door. I knocked on the door to have a look, but I saw that the signal was moving away.

Gu Xiaoran remembered that the house here is old-fashioned, with a back door to get in and out.

Zeng baozi went out the back door.

Gu Xiaoran quickly bypassed the row of houses and followed the signal.

At the roadside, I didn't see Zeng baozi. There was a slim woman standing on the roadside. She turned her back to Gu Xiaoran. Gu Xiaoran couldn't see her face. Her clothes were simple and not fancy at all.

That figure is like Yu Fang in Gu Xiaoran's memory.

Gu Xiaoran's heart suddenly tightened and looked down at the mobile phone, but the signal was on the woman.

Gu Xiaoran immediately realized that Zeng baozi had come here to change his clothes.

If you don't bother to toss about like this, you must meet someone important.

Who are you going to meet?

Is it someone who can directly connect with Han Jinbiao?

Gu Xiaoran's heart suddenly tightened.

Zeng baozi stopped a taxi. As she opened the door and got on, she looked back.

That face - beautiful!

Yu Fang!

Gu Xiaoran almost stopped breathing.

Not in seven years.

But Gu Xiaoran's death will not forget this face.

Gu Xiaoran's heart was in a mess.

Hastily also stopped a taxi, "master, follow the car in front."

At this time, although it was dark through, it was a good time for nightlife. There were a lot of pedestrians and cars on the street.

Yu Fang didn't find her following.

Gu Xiaoran saw the car in front of him stop. He was afraid that he would be found too close and stopped the taxi.

She can follow her mother when she is far away, so as not to disturb the people she came to see.

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