Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1658

My aunt had no accident long before, but she had an accident after she met her adoptive mother.

So the little aunt's accident this time, will it have something to do with her going to see her adoptive mother?

Could it be the other side warning her not to be fussy?

Gu Xiaoran twisted his fingers, feeling in a dilemma.

Intuition, if she continues to close to Yu Fang, then the other side will continue to lay hands on the people around her.

But if Yu Fang is left alone, she can't do it.

The palm and the back of the hand are painful.

How to do, can both sides not hurt, but can get what you want?

Mo Qing sits to her side, stretch out a hand to embrace her shoulder, "don't think too much."

"Well." Gu Xiaoran grew up in that way, knowing that the more timid he was, the more passive he was.

When the other party thinks that she dare not move, it's the best way to take the initiative.

"King, you're here with my little uncle. I'll go out for a while." Gu Xiaoran got up.

"I'll go with you."

"No, you're too conspicuous. It's not convenient for you to go."

"Then let the cheetah follow you secretly."


Gu Xiaoran turned and left.

Zhuoran watched Gu Xiaoran enter the elevator, "where is Xiaoran going?"

"See Yu Fang."

"It doesn't matter if she goes by herself?" Even if someone secretly protects you, it's hard to guarantee that there are no accidents. Yu Fei is an example.

"She is different from Yu Fei."

Zhuo ran nodded his head lightly.

Yu Fei is a girl from an ordinary family, while Gu Xiaoran has been trained since childhood and has excellent adaptability.

The key is that although there is a net around Xiao's noodle shop that they don't know, they also set up a net that they don't know.

If the other party does not hesitate to abandon the point of Xiao's noodle shop and dares to fight Gu Xiaoran, their people will not be polite.

Gu Xiaoran drove to a big nearby, did not immediately go to Xiao's noodle shop, but with a mobile phone to check the location of Yu Fang's mobile phone.

There is an attic above Xiao's noodle shop, and aunt Xiao lives in the attic above.

The location of the mobile phone is in the noodle shop.

Gu Xiaoran put away his mobile phone, and the car slowly stopped in front of the backyard of Xiao's noodle shop.

At this time, the woman selling steamed stuffed buns next door came out with an embroidered lattice, went to the backyard of Xiao's noodle shop, patted the door and cried, "Xiao Ying."

They call this woman Zeng baozi.

Yu Fang opened the upstairs window, "what's the matter?"

"I always have a place where embroidery is not good. Please help me."

"Well, you wait. I'll come down and open the door for you." Yu Fang gestured.

"All right

Yu Fang came downstairs, opened the courtyard door and took Zeng baozi upstairs.

Gu Xiaoran sat in the car and did not get off.

After a while, the voice of Zeng baozi came from upstairs, "it's still your Dexterity. I've been struggling all night, but I can't finish it. You can finish it in no time. Thank you. I'm going back. I'll come back to you when the embroidery is not good. "

"Good." Yu Fang gestured.

Then I saw Yu Fang send Zeng baozi out.

Gu Xiaoran takes out her mobile phone and wants to send a text message to Yu Fang to let her find a way out.

But found that Yu Fang's mobile phone signal in the mobile, into the next bun shop.

Gu Xiaoran's heart "clattered".

Why did Zeng baozi take Yu Fang's mobile phone?

What happened to Yu Fang?

Gu Xiaoran quickly contacted cheetah, "is there a place where you can see the situation in the attic?"

"Yes." Cheetah will call back soon.

"See what's going on upstairs at once."

Cheetah quickly replied, "everything is OK."

"Normal?" Gu Xiaoran felt even more abnormal, "what is Yu Fang doing now?"

PS: good night!

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