Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

Chapter 181 - What's Going On!?

Two hours later.

Caroline was already done crying, her pillow was soaked with her tears.

She cried a river and her voice was sounding hoarse due to so much crying.

Her phone starts ringing, she immediately checks the caller, her face brightened up when she saw that her caller was her husband.

"Hello...hubby! Where are you now?" she said while holding the phone close to her ear.

"Hello sweetie, I already arrived in my hotel suite," he paused for a moment. "Hey, why does your voice sounds different, are you crying?" he asked her.

"Yes a bit," she answered truthfully.

"Huh? But why...?" he was puzzled why she cried.

"Because I missed you so much already," she replied.

"I missed you too! Don't worry, I will try to finish my business here and then come back to your side... as soon as possible, okay?"

"OK," she responded. "Eat plenty of lunch," she said.

"You too! I'll call you later, sweetie, I'm going to meet my business partner in a while, bye my love," he said.

"Okay, bye hubby, talk to you later," she said and ended the call.

She placed her phone back in the bedside table.

It's going to go dark soon. She was thinking about what she's going to cook for dinner? She was not in the mood for cooking a dish since she was the only one who will be eating, so boring.

She will just order a lasagna and have it delivered to her home, that's right!

She reached for her phone and ended ordering two bo of lasagnas for dinner.

Done ordering, she put down the phone on the bedside table and went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower to improve her mood.

She finished showering within fifteen minutes.

She went out of the bathroom and took fresh clothes from the closet.

She went back to bed and turn on the television. She will try to find some interesting movies to sink her teeth into. For some reason she doesn't want to watch a comedy show tonight, no matter what she does, her sadness and loneliness can no longer be hidden by her fake laughter.

Now that her husband was away, she no longer needs to pretend that she was completely happy.

If she feels like crying she will cry.

A few minutes later, there was a ring on the doorbell, it's probably the lasagna she ordered.

She put a robe over her body and opened the door.

"Hello Ma'am, food delivery," announced the delivery man and handed the box of lasagna to the woman.

"Thank you," Caroline said and paid the guy with cash. "Keep the change," she added.

The delivery guy smiled broadly. "Thank you very much, Ma'am," he said feeling grateful and turned around going back to the elevator.

Caroline closed the door behind her.

She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, it's already 6:00 in the evening.

It's still early to eat dinner.

She will have dinner at 7:00.

For now, she just wants to see something entertaining that would take her mind away from her dilemma.

She went back to the bedroom and browse different channels on the television.

There are so many shows to choose from, she ended up watching a Chinese Historical Drama which is five hours long.

She enjoyed watching the history of the past Chinese dynasty and the costumes of the royal family are awesome!

She was enjoying the show while eating the lasagna in the middle of watching the film. She discovered in the movie that the royal family would sometimes poison or execute their relatives, family members, friends, or anyone just for personal gain and steal the throne and the crown.

The Chinese historical drama was filled with betrayal, killings, torture, heartbreaks, and magnificent scenery as well as the bloody battlefield that was visually stunning at the same time filled with tragedy and heartbreaks.

She paused the drama for a few minutes to dispose of her trash into the kitchen and drink some water.

When she comes back into the bedroom she was already sipping a lime soda from the can.

She was about to continue watching the drama when her phone rings.

She answered it right away knowing that it's her beloved husband calling her to check on her.

"Hubby..." she said cheerfully.

"Sweetie...what are you doing right now?" he asked.

"I'm watching a Chinese Historical Drama on TV while eating lasagna," she answered. "How about you?" she asked him back.

"I'm currently having dinner with my business partner in the hotel's restaurant," he replied.

"Who is your business partner, a man or woman?" she asked curiously.

"It's a man, and he was with his wife right now, eating dinner with me, don't be jealous," he said chuckling.

"I just want to be sure," she replied smiling.

"Don't worry, you're the only one for me. You have nothing to worry when it comes to loyalty and devotion, I'm yours only," he assured her.

"That's good to hear. Alright, you may go back now to your business partner. Call me before you sleep tonight, okay?"

"Yes, sweetie. I'll call you later, bye..."

"Bye hubby..."

Their conversation ended. Caroline put her cellphone back in the table and resumed watching the historical drama.

She finished watching the drama by 11:00 in the evening. She turns off the TV and brushed her teeth.

She changed into her pajamas and get ready to sleep.

She was lying in the bed waiting for her husband's call.

His call came at 11:30.

"Hello, sweetie...are you going to sleep now?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm just waiting for your call," she replied. "Where are you now? Still outside?"

"No. I'm already inside my hotel suite preparing to sleep. Good night my love, sweet dreams. Dream of me tonight!" he said.

"Yes, I will. I love you, hubby!" she said teary-eyed.

"I love you more, sweetie," Mike responded.

"Night night..." she murmured.

"Sleep well," he said.

"You too...hug and kiss you...bye-bye..." he added.

Caroline was already reduced to tears and can no longer reply 'coz he already ended the call.

She cried for thirty minutes and was surprised that she still has tears left when she already cried a river earlier.

She put the phone on the table and turn on the lampshade. She hugged her husband's pillow tightly and smell his masculine scent. She will miss sleeping beside him at night and waking up in the morning looking into his eyes. She will miss his romantic and gentle side. She will miss everything about him.

"I love you so much, hubby!" she said aloud and her voice echoed inside the room.

One hour later...she finally fall into a deep slumber.

She woke up in a dream.

She was lying in the bed, opening her eyes slowly, the sun was already shining brightly outside based on the sunlight passing through the window.

Her eyes darted on the clock hanging on the wall, the hand of time shows that's it's already 9:00 in the morning. She was about to get up from the bed when she noticed that someone is sleeping beside her in the bed.

She was staring at the man beside, who is he?

All of a sudden the sleeping man turned around and face her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Good morning, babe," the man smiled at her.

Caroline covered her mouth in shock. It's not her husband Mike sleeping with her in the bed.

It's Alex!

How come this guy sleeps in her bed, where is her husband Mike?

She pushed him away from her. "Get off me!" she shouted at him trying to put a distance between them.

She was about to scream and shout at him...

"Shhh...don't be too loud, babe...you will wake up our precious twins!" Alex silences her.

Caroline's eyes widened in shock. Huh? Since when did she become a mother? And how come she gives birth to a twin?

Then a loud wail of a baby tore into the bedroom and then another wailing followed.

The entire bedroom was filled with the crying of two babies.

Caroline looked around the bedroom and she saw two cribs nearby.

Alex stood up and rushed to the cribs. He picked up the baby on the first crib and deposited it into Caroline's arms.

Caroline accepted the baby reluctantly and gazes into the baby's eyes. The baby stopped crying.

Alex returned to the bed holding the other baby in his arms. "Stop crying baby, Mommy is here," he said gently.

Caroline brows furrowed. "Who is the mother of these babies?" she asked in great astonishment.

Alex's brows knitted together. "Huh? What kind of question is that? Of course, you are the mother of these babies, who else?" he declared.

Caroline was shocked!

"And who is the father?" she asked fearing to hear his answer.

"Huh? What kind of question is that? Of course, I am the father! Babe, why are you asking me such nonsense questions? We are the parents of these babies. You give birth to them. I got you pregnant with my s.p.e.r.m and that's the truth..." he explained casually.

"B-but...I'm already a married woman. I have a husband. I'm married to him!" she reasoned with him.

"What's the problem? You can always annul your marriage with your husband and marry me," Alex insisted.

Caroline took a deep breath, feeling agitated.

How come she put herself into this big dilemma, giving birth to another guy's children? While she was a married woman?

She sits there in the bed, staring at the two babies, and staring at the guy who i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed her.

What the hell is going on with her life?

How everything become so damn complicated?