Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

Chapter 180 - Falling Apart

After eating breakfast.

Caroline began washing the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink while Mike retired into the living room to continue reading the newspaper.

When she was already alone in the kitchen, Caroline can already feel the loneliness and sadness engulfing her whole consciousness.

If she can only freeze the time, she doesn't want it to keep going on.

A few hours from now, her husband will go on a business trip and she will be left alone to plan her banishment from his life.

It's already a painful process.

She's been thinking about this last day...and now it's finally coming.

Sad to say she can no longer hold back the time.

Done in the kitchen.

She washes her hands and dries it with the hand towel.

She sauntered towards the living room and sat beside her husband on the sofa.

He was reading the newspaper earnestly.

Smirking...she slowly crawled her hand starting from his legs towards his shorts. Then she began kneading his manhood slowly at first to test the water, afraid that he will get angry. She wants to engage in lovemaking with her husband for the last time before she goes away.

She heard her husband groaning pleasurably, liking what she's doing.

Good! She becomes more confident and bolder, she inserted her hand inside his shorts and underwear. She grabbed his manhood and it sprung to life once in contact with her fingers.

Mike continued reading the newspaper while his wife was busy groping his burgeoning erection.

He ignored his wife... wanting to know how far she will go with her seduction.

Caroline continuous kneading her husband's erect shaft, it's getting bigger and harder under her touch.

Not contented with what she's doing, she replaced her hand with her mouth. She swallowed her husband's erect rod in one go and continue sucking and playing his shaft with her mouth.

Mike can no longer ignore his arousal, he sets aside the newspaper and holds his wife's head, he groaned in delight, loving his wife's pleasurable sucking on his shaft...."ahhh...hmmm...ummm...ahhh..." he was transported to cloud 9 at this very moment.

Caroline continues pleasuring her husband with her mouth for a few minutes.

Then she stopped and kissed her husband on the lips, they engaged in a lip lock.

Caroline straddle her husband facing him.

Mike hands went down and inserted it on his wife's shorts and underwear, he cupped her bare bottom, kneading it.

They were now s.e.x.u.a.lly aroused.

Mike tore his lips away and whispered. "Turn on your back sweetie..." he said.

Caroline understands what he meant.

Mike lowered his shorts and underwear and Caroline did the same.

Then Mike seated his wife on his lap and guided his pulsating erect rod inside her honeypot swiftly.

"Ahh...ummm...ahhh..." Caroline m.o.a.ned and began grinding on her husband's erection...slowly at first...then she increases her speed while his hands were already inside her blouse groping her twin peaks, producing more wild hot pleasure surging through her body.




Caroline throws her head in abandon while she was already grinding crazily on his erection.

Mike matched her grinding with his kneading on her twin peaks.

It was so pleasurable that Mike groaned in ecstasy...."ahhhhhh...hmmm...ahhh...ahhhh.."

A few minutes later, they both went through a mind-shattering orgasm at the same time.

Caroline slumped into her husband's chest.

They looked at each other's eyes and smiled wonderfully and contentedly.

"I love you, wife!" he murmured.

"I love you so much!" Caroline responded adoringly to match her husband's declaration of love.

"Let's cuddle in the bed my love," he said in a passionate voice.

"Okay," Caroline stood up and put her shorts and underwear back in place.

Mike did the same.

They went to the bedroom and lies down in the bed embracing each other.

They closed their eyes to rest.

The couple falls asleep for two hours.

When they wake up, they went to the kitchen to cook their lunch.

Caroline plans to cook a pork stew with vegetables and make a crispy fried chicken.

She thawed the chicken and set it aside.

She began chopping the vegetables such as carrots and potatoes as well as onions and garlic, then red bell pepper.

Mike volunteered to chop the pork meat into small pieces.

Done preparing the ingredients for the pork stew, Caroline checked the chicken, it's still not completely thawed, she leaves it alone.

She cooked rice again in the rice cooker.

Then she put the pan in the induction stove and turn on the heat.

She put two tablespoons of cooking oil in the pan, after a few minutes she added the garlic and then the rest of the onions, after they turn into golden brown, she added the pork, and saute it.

She covered the pan with the lid and let the meat become tender on medium heat.

On the other plate, she put the frying pan and filled it with cooking oil and have it heated.

Then she washes the chicken drumstick and put it on a plate, she rubbed salt and seasoning on the chicken meat so that it will penetrate to the bones. She set it aside. She beat five pieces of egg in another bowl. She took a platter and pour the flour on it, and another plate with the bread crumbs. Then she coated the chickens with flour, after checking that the oil is already hot, she then dips the chicken drumstick on the beaten egg and then the last step, she coated the chicken with bread crumbs for perfect crispness.

She put the coated chicken drumstick in the heated oil one after another since the large pan can accommodate several chickens at a time.

She covered the pan with the lid.

She checked the other pan, the pork is already tender, she then added the rest of the vegetables and spices and covered it with the lid.

Mike watched silently while his wife was cooking dishes in front of him.

One hour and thirty minutes later.

Caroline and Mike were already eating lunch.

"Hmm. Sweetie, your crispy fried chicken is delicious! I love it!" Mike said as he took a third bite of the fried chicken drumstick that he was holding with his right hand.

Caroline was feeling happy that her husband likes the taste of her cooking, she feels satisfied.

They finished eating lunch thirty minutes later.

Caroline washed the dishes while Mike volunteered to clean the table.

Done cleaning the table, Mike went to the bedroom to prepare for his trip.

After finished washing the dishes, Caroline went to the bedroom to dress up, so that she can send her husband to the airport.

Thirty minutes later.

The couple was ready to go out.

Mike brought the traveling bag into the living room while waiting for her wife to get out of the bedroom.

Caroline exited the bedroom and sauntered to the living room.

Mike stood up. "Let's go sweetie!" he said.

"Okay," Caroline said. Suddenly, she hugged her husband tightly. Then she looked into his eyes and spoke the words pouring from the deepest part of her heart. "I'm going to miss you bad. I love you so much, hubby. Please, always remember that," she said fighting back tears from falling on her face.

Mike brows knitted together and raised his wife's head. "Hey...why are you so emotional right now, sweetie? I will only be gone for two days the most. I'll be back before you know it," he said while he rubs her back gently consoling her.

Caroline smiled. "Yeah, I know. I'll be waiting for your return then," she said and wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Let's go now, hubby, you might be late with your flight and the plane will take off without you," she said.

"Don't be sad, okay?" he said and kissed her forehead lovingly. He grabbed his traveling bag and sauntered towards the door.

Caroline was following him from behind.

A few minutes later, they were already entering the vehicle in the parking lot.

A few moments later, Mike's car already joined the multitude of cars moving on the busy highway.

Thirty minutes went by.

Mike parked the car in the airport's parking lot. He still has fifteen minutes left before his flight takes off.

Caroline hugged her husband tightly again. "I love you, hubby. Take care of yourself and call me right away after you finally arrived at your destination..." she reminded him.

"Yes, of course, I'll call you right away, sweetie," he answered. "I'm going inside the airport now," he said.

Caroline kissed her husband's lips passionately.

They engaged in a passionate kiss for a few minutes, then Mike withdraws his lips. "Take care of yourself, sweetie," he said and exited the driver's door. He went to the compartment of the car and picked up his traveling bag.

Caroline stands still on the pavement.

Mike went to her wife's side and planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Bye sweetie," he said and walked towards the entrance of the airport.

"Bye hubby!" Caroline waved her hand goodbye.

Mike no longer looked at his wife when he entered the entrance of the airport.

Because if he did...he will see the fat tears rolling down on her wife's face.

Caroline was already crying hysterically...then she went inside the car and continue to cry there. Her sobbing was loud and heartbreaking.

She was crying still even if Mike's plane was already taking off from the runway of the airport.

Caroline wiped her tears with the handkerchief that she was holding in her hand.

She has to stop crying.

She inserted the key and revives the engine of the car, time to leave, and continue crying back home.

She navigated her husband's car out of the parking lot and drove into the busy highway going back to the Blue Bell Residences.

Thirty minutes later, she arrived at her destination, after parking the car in the parking lot she went inside the building and entered the elevator.

When she finally reached the 15th floor and entered his husband's abode, she went straight to the bedroom and throw her body into the bed.

She began sobbing hysterically.

She can't contain her grief, guilt, and sorrow.

She feels like her world is falling apart, it's agonizing to know that she won't be seeing her husband for a few months.

She will miss him terribly.