Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations

Chapter 58: 058

Throughout the day, Su Nuo\'s brain was empty, and she was forced to spare time to digest the complex and huge information little by little.

How is Qing Qing treating her? it is good. But that kind is good for pets. She can\'t have independent thoughts, independent personality, what he has to say, what she has to listen to. Therefore, after Su Nuo failed to escape, Wu Qing did not hesitate to lock her in the back room until she was taught to be honest.

Before that, Su Nuo was just an ordinary little girl. She had never experienced anything and knew nothing. She was naturally afraid of him. Even after such a long time, thinking of her past, she would still involuntarily get cold. Qi Qing said that the better is overbearing, and the unpleasant one is a sick lunatic, who is unlucky to catch up with.

However, such a person even followed her for tenth time, and was always by her side, she hadn\'t noticed yet?

The more crucial point is that he actually acted as her **** for her, and once took the initiative to seduce her, chasing her soldiers, and letting her run away. All these things are not like what Qing Qing would do ...

Su Nuo closed her eyes, her thoughts were in a mess, she was more incredible than she was.

What does King Qing Qing look like? He was so arrogant that all things in the world were ants in his eyes. From the moment he laid down the river and mountains to follow her, he showed his identity and his self-esteem at the same time.

Is it worth it to abandon your body, to abandon your taboos, to carry the insults of eternity, just to follow her, just to be with her?

not worth it.

She even felt that what he had done was overwhelming her. If she accepted it, would she be gracious or really like it?

Su Nuo looked at the scenery outside the window and fell into a deep confusion.

The sky gradually became bleak, no moon, no stars.

Su Nuo hit a car and went directly to the lakeside hut she and Zhao Yunqing had enjoyed. The light of the hut was reflected in the lake, creating mottled shadows.

As Su Nuo expected, he was here.

Autumn night was a bit cold, Su Nuo gathered her blouse and slowly paced to the door. She wandered for a long time and never pressed the doorbell. While struggling, the door clicked open from inside, and she looked up and slammed into his cowardly eyes without any hesitation.

Zhao Yunqing is clean, with a refined temperament.

Su Nuo was unable to associate such a person with that tyrant, and his eyes were stunned again.

"Come in." Zhao Yunqing turned sideways.

Su Nuo shook his head: "I will say a few words."

Zhao Yunqing said: "It\'s cold outside."

"Not cold." She looked down at her toes.

Zhao Yunqing was funny: "Don\'t be so afraid of me to make you right?"


"Then come in."

Su Nuo didn\'t move, raised her face, and the gleam of light on her head fell into her eyes, hooking people brightly.

"I figured it out."

Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes were burning, but he didn\'t say a word, his fists in his pockets could not help but clenched.

"If I say that I have touched everything you do, willing to accept you, like you, and live with you, that is a lie to you." Su Nuo bit her teeth gently, and her natural gentle voice with a hint of persistence, "I Don\'t want to lie. "

"So what." He raised his expression in his eyebrows, leaving Yu indifferent to her.

Su Nuo licked her lips that were blown dry by the wind, "So, so I want to tell you clearly now."

He leaned against the door and gave Su Nuo a lot of patience.

"You hurt me, no matter how much you do to me, no matter how good you are, I ca n’t forget everything you do. I ca n’t forget the bad because you are good, because those hurts really existed. It\'s in my brain, it can\'t be erased. "

Zhao Yunqing trembled with long eyelashes.

Su Nuo closed his cold fingertips. "I can\'t accept a man who has caused me a shadow."

His **** throat moved, and the cool moonlight set off his handsome face, showing the loneliness in his bones.

Su Nuo took a deep breath and looked at him: "These words were spoken to Yun Qing just now. What I want to tell my brother is ..." She said, "I hope you can calm us down for a while. I am ready to start again, thinking about how to go in the future, and thinking about feelings. At that time, I will look at our relationship fairly and rationally. "

After that, she waited for his answer.

Zhao Yunqing stared at Su Nuo quietly, and couldn\'t help laughing, his heart socket was soft into cotton.

Su Nuo is a gentle girl. Zhao Yunqing always knew that she was kind and soft, and never easily hurt others. Even after suffering and sinking into darkness, she always turned to the light.

Even if she was afraid of him and hated him, she was willing to cast aside her prejudice and rationalize him.

"Nuo Nuo."

Su Nuo swallowed, and stared at Zhao Yunqing, who called her nick.

"Yi Qing is dead."

"……I know."

"My obedient is also dead ..." When he said that, his tone was desolate and bitter.

Su Nuo opened her mouth and huskyly, "I, I know."

"So I agree with you."

Zhao Yunqing\'s simply surprised Su Nuo. She originally thought that this person\'s domineering character would entangle with her for a long time.

"If all is said and done, you can go now." Zhao Yunqing frowned, "Lonely and widow, it\'s not appropriate for you to stay here."


Well, it was accepted quickly.

Su Nuo glanced at him for the last time, then turned around slowly.

"Su Nuo."

After taking two steps, he called her far away.

Su Nuo turned his head and stood under the dim street lamp with his hands around his chest. The ink-colored pupils were fainted into an intoxicating warm color. "Would you let me send you?"

Su Nuo shook his head, shook his head, smiled and waved to the others, "I called the car, you go back." After a tone, "Goodbye, brother."

"Goodbye." Obediently.

From then on, starting today, he is just Zhao Yunqing, using the name of others to start his own life.

Looking at the cozy wooden house in front of him, Zhao Yunqing suddenly felt that such a life was also good. He didn\'t have to endure the cold in the heights of his rights, he didn\'t need to fool around. .

Oh, and there.

Use the rest of his life to recover what he wants and loves.

This time, he will find the right way.


Soon it was Mid-Autumn Festival, which was Su Nuo\'s first festival to return to reality.

A small artist is not as busy as those big names, so she got up early, bought a bunch of flowers, and wore a knitted red scarf to sweep Lingzhi\'s grave.

The cemetery in the early morning was silent, and the morning mist had not yet dissipated, and the mist enveloped the surroundings. She walked inwardly along the stone road, and finally stopped in front of the tombstone. Of the bouquet, presumably Yuan Guohong came to see her every day.

Su Nuo put the flowers, and said goodbye, put the red scarf in front of the photo, "I\'ve finished weaving for you."

Her embroidery is very good. She learned it day and night when she was a show girl. The needlework is dense and delicate.

"is it nice?"

Lin Zhi smiled in the photo.

"I spent time with my dad at noon. I want to go back to my parents in the evening. Now I will come to see you. After the day has passed, I may be busy and won\'t come back often." Su Nuo didn\'t know what to say for a while After staring at the eyes in the photo for a long time, he turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, she bumped into a collision with the twin brothers who came to sweep the grave. Yuan Che\'s eyes were complicated, and Su Nuo didn\'t speak.

She glanced only slightly, then put her hands in her pockets, and passed the two brothers down the mountain without saying a word.

"Why does she ignore us ..." Yuan Che muttered softly.

Yuan Cheng patted Yuan Che\'s shoulder. "You were so fierce before. I want to ignore you."

He snorted, obediently and Lin Zhiyu.

Noon\'s reunion dinner was eaten at the original home. Except that Yuan Che\'s eyes made Su Nuo a little uncomfortable, everything else was very harmonious. He had been with his original father until 4 pm. Su Nuo got up and left, carrying the prepared The gift went to Shen\'s house.

The parents of the Shen family had long been looking forward to her arrival, and there was a sigh of greetings when she entered.

"It\'s almost winter, and my mother has ordered a coat for you. Come up and try to fit."

As soon as she changed her shoes, she was pulled by the mother Shen towards the cloakroom upstairs.

Su Nuo obeyed and followed.

"Coats, hats, and those limited-edition bags were given by your dad\'s partner. I don\'t think it\'s appropriate. You can take them."

Su Nuo\'s eyes swept away, and the cloakroom was already full of various brands of merchandise bags. Shen\'s mother liked to dress her up. Even if she had been away for half a year, she did not stop buying clothes and jewelry for Su Nuo for a moment.

"Try this little red cheongsam first. Mid-Autumn Festival is the right dress." Shen\'s mother took out a red cheongsam with great interest and handed it over.

That cheongsam has a very delicate workmanship, and the skirt is embroidered with delicate patterns, which can be seen at a price.

Su Nuo frowned, but declined: "It is not convenient to wear this at home, it is not as comfortable as home clothes."

"Put on." Shen mother smiled and said, "Do you remember Aunt Zhao? She gave you this dress specially. They invited us to be his guest tomorrow. My father and I have already agreed."

Zhao ...

Then we don\'t have to meet Zhao Yunqing.

Su Nuo pursed her lips. Since chatting that night, the two have never contacted each other, but now they suddenly want to meet, but it is a bit uncomfortable.

"Nuo Nuo? Don\'t you like cheongsam?"

Su Nuo looked back, shook his head and said, "I\'ll try."

Mother Shen squeezed her face: "Mom knows that Gui Nuo Nuo is the most obedient, put it on for mom to see."

She glanced at the dress, sighed, walked in and started taking off.

"Mom, is that shirt in my closet, did you throw it away for me?"

At this moment, there was a sound of deliberate coldness and laziness behind the door.

Su Nuo zipped his hands and closed the cloakroom door when he turned around.

Mother Shen looked at Su Nuo, looked at the delirium that had come in after blinking the door, blinked, and replied: "You wait outside, I\'ll go out and find it for you later."

"Oh." He didn\'t ask much, and the footsteps went away.

After driving away the delusion, Shen\'s mother explained to Su Nuo nervously: "Well, Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family ..."

She didn\'t say anything, she lowered her concealed buttoned heels.

The author has something to say: First more!

The prince killed Nuo Nuo, and the delirium did not wear quickly. The prince was just like Shen delusion. Nuo Nuo has been bullied by Wang Wang. The prince suddenly treats her so well and loves her brain. (: 3∠) _.

Nuo Nuo is not a wolf-hearted dog lung. You know everything from the perspective of God, but Nuo Nuo does n’t know. She never knew from the beginning that all the people who died for her were brothers. Suddenly they knew everything, and they definitely could n’t accept it. A disguised moral abduction.

It\'s as if one person saved you. You obviously don\'t love and you want to show your respect. If you don\'t, you are a white-eyed wolf with no conscience.

But Brother is not such a person, and will not kidnap Nuonu morally!

Adding more promises to the little cute, there is a chapter in the evening.

Finally, congratulations to those high school students who received the admission notice three or four years ago! congratulations!

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