Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations

Chapter 57: 057

"Alarm?" Zhao Yunqing raised her eyebrows, her fingertips lightly hooked on her white face, and her tongue licked Su Nuo\'s eyelashes. The numb touch made her shiver.

He said in a playful tone: "Okay, I can bring you the police station so that you don\'t have to run around."

Su Nuo\'s face changed.

"Su Nuo, you ca n’t be a person without a conscience. I throw it after you run out. It hurts my self-esteem?"

Su Nuo opened her eyes wide, hiding 10,000 swear words in her heart, and did not scold her. Her teeth were tight and tight. She finally took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She turned her head away from Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes: "This time is different from the past. Just two clear, I think you still ... "

The words did not end, he suddenly squeezed Su Nuo\'s chin and kissed her, biting her lips fiercely, prying off her last line of defense, invading the city like a tide.

Su Nuo was kissed, and the lack of oxygen from her chest made her brain blank. She forgot to react until Zhao Yunqing started to evacuate. The man hugged her hands with blue tendons and crests, and the stars under the sword eyebrows were red, like a burning flame. He tightened his lips, his forbearance looks just like the tyrants of previous lives.

it\'s him.

He was still the cruel and indifferent king of yin and yin, even if he disguised as well, how gentle the skin was, and the paranoia in his bones remained unchanged.

Su Nuo didn\'t know how he came, but she could be sure that Zhao Yunqing was revenge. He hated her for deceiving and left, so he deliberately approached and retaliated.

Su Nuo chuckled his lips coldly: "Every time I go to bed with you, are you very proud?"

She said, "Every time you hear me calling, are you mocking me in silence? OK, you succeeded, you succeeded insulting me, now you can go."

Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes narrowed for a long time, and he smiled: "That\'s how you think about me?"

"Otherwise? Is there any other reason?"

The indifference in Su Nuo\'s eyes made Zhao Yunqing\'s whole heart fall into the abyss, fell into the mud, he opened his face blankly, "You only know that I am Zhao Yunqing, then do you know, I am still by your side for you You plan to poison the ex-queen\'s daughter-in-law; it is the little **** who knows that your woman is dressed in men\'s clothing and is willing to conceal it for you; it is your vice team that will be swallowed up by the corpses when you are about to be violated. Do you know that? "

Su Nuo was shocked, Ben Qingming\'s mind completely gave up thinking.

She looked at Zhao Yunqing stupidly, and had a lot of words to say, but couldn\'t say a single word, and finally turned into a thousand silences lingering between the two.

Zhao Yunqing laughed mockingly: "Of course you don\'t know."

Her eyelashes fluttered, and she returned to her heart, pushing Zhao Yunqing as far as she could, backing to the far corner of the sofa, curled up and shaking her head, "No, it\'s impossible, you lie again, you lie ..."

She knew all those people in Zhao Yunqing\'s mouth, and she couldn\'t be more familiar. The first girl is her confidant in the second world. Su Nuo has never dealt with Quanmou. With her qualifications, she was counted as a silver player in the group of rookie rookies at most, allowing her to gain favor in just five months. So, the little girl-in-law has been making suggestions for her to help her complete the task, and the day after she poisoned the former queen, the girl-in-law committed suicide for her.

In the third world, Su Nuo had to learn to take Hua Mulan as his father, and vaguely remembered a humble **** who had followed her to take care of her. The two were close to each other like brothers. In the end, he died on the battlefield of the fight. The last world ... Su Nuo can never forget the picture of the indifferent and lonely vice squad being eaten without bones.

Zhao Yunqing said that ... it\'s all him?

Su Nuo closed her eyes, her temples beating abruptly, and she was so confused that she didn\'t know where she was.

Su Nuo wiped away a tear that I don\'t know when he said, "Then, the nun who delivered the letter for me, and the monk ..."

"it\'s all me."

He downplayed it deservedly.

Su Nuo clenched her fingers, her teeth almost biting her lips. She couldn\'t believe it, and shook her head persistently. "Impossible, you lie to me again. This is not true. You lie to me ..."

"Fool you?" Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes scorned. "Are you worthy of me? Su Nuo, don\'t you really think that you can do everything smoothly with your ability?"

Su Nuo stared up at her.

"Looking at me? What am I saying wrong?" Zhao Yunqing held up her little face, tickled her tongue, and brought a hot teardrop to her mouth, teasing her as before, "by Your tears are not wrong. "

Her lips trembled, and tears continued to roll down.

"You look at you, and you are crying. If others are kind to you, you just take your heart." He sneered. "You always hate me for killing the soldier. Do you know that the soldier is Mingyi? For the detailed work sent over, his mission is to kill you. "

Su Nuo didn\'t speak.

Zhao Yunqing continued: "I don\'t need to conceal anything until now. All the letters you sent were stopped by me, and I changed the other information. It wasn\'t stupid. He realized that it was false information, so he thought you had already belonged. With me, you are a waste in his eyes, so he doesn\'t want to keep you. "

Su Nuo bowed her head, her hair covering her cheeks, and she remained silent in silence.

Zhao Yunqing\'s voice was cold and sharp, and she no longer cares about her mood: "The person who saved you was me, and the person who protected you was me, because Mingyi looks similar to your real sweetheart, so you are willing to deceive yourself. Even if he treats you like that, you don\'t care, because ... he has a deluded face. "

In the end, Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes were biting cold.

Su Nuo shook her body, her face pale.

Zhao Yunqing was right, she knew everything, but she pretended not to know.

At that time, she died for love and was fragile. The prince Ming Lu met in the first life was exactly the same as Shen delusion, but his temperament was very different. He would talk to her softly, teach her to write writing brushes, and would She played the piano and danced swords. He was too good, he gave everything Su Nuo wanted from the delusion.

Su Nuo took Ming Zhuo as a stand-in and enjoyed the hypocritical tenderness. He saddled the horse before and after him, and the horse head was looking forward. If he was king, then Su Nuo was the best minister under his feet.

But she was nothing.

When the prince killed her, his eyes were so indifferent.

Su Nuo lifted his eyes, his voice was soft and slow: "Then you, aren\'t you lying to me and using me? For you and Mingyu, I am just a reason for you to stir up war and step on the throne. , Now you pretend to be affectionate and you can erase everything you have done? I tell you, impossible. "

"If I really used you, how could I be here ..." he murmured almost.

Zhao Yunqing is the King of Tianding. Since he was born, he can listen to the minds of others. In the words of this world, he has "mind reading", which makes it easier for Zhao Yunqing to do anything than others. After the death of his father, 13-year-old Zhao Yunqing inherited the throne, and the three elder brothers rebelled. Zhao Yunqing sent troops to calm down, his elder brother bowed at his feet, and his mouth was full of irony.

Zhao Yunqing was still thinking about the feelings of brothers and brothers, and their voices let him know that these people could not stay, so they killed all. Zhao Yunqing\'s mother was furious and scolded him for being cold and cold. A white cricket cut off her life. Then her sister became seriously ill and went away not long after. The royal family was left with only young Zhao Yunqing.

How lonely a person is at the top of the world. Only a teenager, Zhao Yunqing, has fully realized the sadness. In his opinion, his throne is sitting on millions of heads and stepping on countless injustices. Among them There was the blood of a loved one and the bones of his brother. Everyone was shocked and afraid of him, but none could understand him.

Until ten years later, Su Nuo fell to him.

With "mind reading", Zhao Yunqing easily knew where she came from, her purpose, and even the dialogue with the system. He could hear it very clearly. Zhao Yunqing thought it was wonderful. After that, his pale life was the first time There were tiny ripples because of a little girl named Su Nuo.

The little girl loves crying and scolds him in her heart while crying. The more she scolds, the more he likes it, but most of what she thinks in her mind are the two names of delusion and Mingying, Zhao Yun Qingqi, often unable to control He tossed her on the collapse until he was convinced, and he stopped.

Zhao Yunqing didn\'t want to let her go, but if her mission was not completed, she would be erased from the world forever.

Her mission is to [kill the villain Wang Qing, and help Prince Ming Ming win the world]

Zhao Yunqing was so shrewd and cold-blooded that Su Nuo was dizzy.

Her body was in his arms, and in the battle between thousands of soldiers and soldiers, Zhao Yunqing\'s blood red eyes opened the dialogue with the system for the first time. "Su Nuo is dead. According to regulations, her task has not been completed because I still Alive. "

The system is calm enough: [What do you want to do? ]

Zhao Yunqing put forward his own request: "I help you complete the task, you send me to Su Nuo."

The system will of course agree, if it does not agree, it will also be erased from this world, but it also makes a request, that is, to use Zhao Yunqing\'s mind-reading technique to make chips, he naturally agrees.

After that, Zhao Yunqing left Jiangshan to Mingyu and went with Su Nuo alone.

He is a faint prince. If recorded in history, he is to be remembered for all ages.

But Zhao Yunqing ... wanted to be beautiful, not to win.

"Su Nuo, we can\'t come back after this life, so can we ..."

"No," she interrupted indifferently. "No, no, impossible, you go, I think I\'ll be alone."

Su Nuo originally thought he would force it again, but the result was not. Zhao Yunqing left Su Nuo and gave a slight nod: "Okay, you really need to calm down. We\'ll talk about it when you calm down."

"I don\'t want to talk to you." She said to Zhao Yunqing\'s eyes, "Our relationship is broken, thank you for your care for me for eight years, and thank you for giving me your life several times. . "

It ’s better not to be reported.

Zhao Yunqing smiled angrily, "Su Nuo, you really do."

Su Nuobei began; "Help me smooth out the garbage when you go, thank you."


Zhao Yunqing\'s teeth were grinded and grinded, but he said nothing in the end, and went away angrily with rubbish.

The author has something to say: Well, I can scold, I will come first.

-Delusional garbage.

A baby successfully received the admission notice, and tomorrow will start to celebrate qwq

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