Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 253

Mu Yu retrieved the fiend king’s core from Gui Xuanyue. The white ape fiend king got to his feet; he was still panting from the torture he was subjected to. The fiend king was too fatigued to put up a fight Mu Yu for his core. Si Wusheng barely eked out an advantage against Qiao Xue. Even so, he bailed once Mu Yu stepped in to assist Qiao Xue. Si Wusheng wasn’t aware Mu Yu overwhelmed Gui Xuanyue purely thanks to his weapon nullifying all of Gui Xuanyue’s skills, so he assumed Mu Yu outclassed Gui Xuanyue.

Red mist blew toward Gui Xuanyue. Gui Hongyu vengefully stared at Mu Yu upon seeing Gui Xuanyue’s corpse. Besides Gui Hongyu, another four humans, namely Lian Tianyou, Duan Musi, Secular World Sect’s Miao Yu and Zhi Zhen, a bald monk from Lunar Temple, all of whom were dressed strangely, showed up. It wasn’t hard to imagine what just took place.

Lian Tianyou wasn’t fond of fiends by any means, but the bloody sight wasn’t something he’d spit at. He inquired, “You must all be here for the white ape fiend king.”

“Hihihi, it is an honour to meet Pill Cauldron Sect’s top-prized disciple, Lian Tianyou. What brings you here today?” sarcastically asked Si Wusheng.

“You can save the pleasantries for later. Life and Death Sect, as well as Ghost Gate, have no authority to determine the white ape king’s fate,” Duan Musi, disciple of Mystic Spirit Sect, asserted.

Si Wusheng wiped his grin off his face and calmly replied, “Whether or not I have the authority is of no importance. The bigger issue at hand is we have two traitors among humanity’s ranks. How do you suggest we address the problems?”

Qiao Xue guarded the white ape fiend king.

“Oh, Gui Xuanyue and you?” mocked Mu Yu.

Expression stiff, Si Wusheng fired back. “You teamed up with her to kill Gui Xuanyue to save the white ape fiend king. Am I wrong?”

“Mu Yu, you killed Gui Xuanyue?” asked Lian Tianyou, surprised to hear the outlandish accusation.

Even if Gui Xuanyue was deplorable, he was a human. Killing a human to save a fiend king as a human being was unacceptable by the society’s standards.

Mouths were agape upon hearing “Mu Yu”. Si Wusheng didn’t personally witness Gui Xuanyue’s death. On top of that, Mu Yu was supposed to be an alchemist. By those accounts, it made little to no sense for Mu Yu to kill Gui Xuanyue.

“Who are you to charge me with being a traitor? Should I have just stood still and let Gui Xuanyue kill me? Also, what’s this nonsense about me helping the fiend king?”

“Hehe, why don’t you apprehend this traitorous girl to clear your name, then?” proposed Si Wusheng, recognising the fact Mu Yu and Qiao Xue knew each other.

“In other words, if I capture her, the fiend king is mine?”

“Yeah, that right?” added Xiaoshuai. He then whispered, “The old macaque is more trouble than he’s worth. We only need the big honey pea.”

Si Wusheng: “He doesn’t belong to anyone. A consensus must be reached.”

“Explain why you’re expecting me to capture them by myself, then? Are you just going to kick back and watch?”

“Fine, how about we all capture the white ape fiend king and escort him back to Third Heaven?” suggested Si Wusheng, giving the others a propitious salute.

“Save the drivel. Whoever stops us is a traitor to humanity!” exclaimed Duan Musi, charging in first.

The others prepared their items to apprehend the fiend king. Gui Hongyu wanted Mu Yu’s head. Nonetheless, the responsibility of taking the fiend king’s core fell on her shoulders since her senior was killed. Only Mu Yu didn’t take action and, instead, watched Qiao Xue, who was severely outnumbered.

Qiao Xue understood Mu Yu had done all he could for her. She looked over to him and mouthed, “Thank you.”

Snowflakes danced in the sky. Snow layered the ground. Qiao Xue’s water spirit undulated in the sky. The snowflakes liquefied and rained down. Two flying fishes ejected from Qiao Xue and jubilantly played in the rain as they hummed a melodic peace. The raindrops came together. Blue lightning shot toward their targets.

“The water god’s fiend winning fish are the rulers of water. Shield yourself from the rain with your spiritual energy!” shared Duan Musi.

The group shielded themselves with phantasmal shields as instructed and advanced toward Qiao Xue. The water god fiend’s lightning covered the sky in blue light. The coiling lightning cut off the group’s advance, while other lightning bolts strived to strike them down.

“How do we deal with the two water god fiends?” questioned Lian Tianyou.

“Ghost qi can contaminate and weaken them!” answered Duan Musi.

Gui Hongyu didn’t mind the eyes on her and discharged red ghost qi, infecting the water droplets. The winning fishes screeched and jumped back inside Qiao Xue. Drained, she shouted and transformed her rain drops into a hail of ice picks, but she didn’t fire them. Instead, she bled from her mouth and stumbled backwards. As the previous fights took a toll on her body, she wasn’t able to keep up.

“Give up!” Si Wusheng extended his hand toward Qiao Xue.

“I won’t let you hurt His Majesty unless you step over my corpse!”

Qiao Xue let the water demon spirit lord take over again. As a result, she froze everything within fifty square kilometres. Mu Yu was privy to the spirit lords’ powers since he had personally tasted it firsthand and comprehended their powers’ significance to all races. If her berserk powers weren’t put to rest, she would go on a rampage in Second Heaven. Worse, the water spirit lord could overrun the entire realm and then return to Third Heaven. Finally unable to stand watching on, Mu Yu dashed in and intercepted the attacks directed at Qiao Xue.

Anger seeping into his voice, Mu Yu sardonically remarked, “How valiant of you to lynch one girl.”

“Mu Yu, are you really her conspirator?” fumed Lian Tianyou.

“I told you he conspired with her. They’re both traitors to humanity. They want to cover the white ape fiend king’s escape,” accused Si Wusheng, caressing his aching finger nail thanks to Mu Yu’s attack.

Mu Yu coldly looked back at Si Wusheng. “Traitor, you say?”