Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 252

“What are you doing here?” questioned Qiao Xue, unconcerned if it was a coincidence or not.

Mu Yu appeared exceptionally tall and trustworthy; howbeit, Qiao Xue soon recalled the animosity between the fiend race and humanity.

Mu Yu joked, “I told you to be careful. I have to back you up every time. I’m going to die from exhaustion if this keeps up.”

Mu Yu’s original plan was to sabotage the formation, thereby releasing the shackles on the fiend king and letting the fiend king fight instead of him getting involved. The plan went to hell when he was forced to step in and save Qiao Xue from imminent death.

Mu Yu didn’t discriminate against the fiend race. If anything, he had witnessed Ghost Gate commit more heinous deeds than fiends had.

“I remember you. You were the pitiful worm,” insulted Gui Xuanyue, albeit aware of Mu Yu’s big improvements since their last encounter.

“I wonder who your new twin is after I demolished your former one,” Mu Yu jibed, aiming his sword at Gui Xuanyue.

Ghost Gate disciples without a twin deemed unworthy disciples. Ever since losing his twin, Gui Xuanyue, was incandescent. He scowled. “You want to know, do you?”

Gui Xuanyue summoned his new twin. The elder was once a revered man. He was none other than Jiuhua Sect’s patriarch, Reverend Jiuhua, Gui Xuanyue’s biological father!

“You turned your father into your twin?” Mu Yu couldn’t believe his eyes.

Gui Xuanyue, tone wrathful, responded, “Thanks to you, I failed my mission and had to flee. My shizun demanded I find someone to turn into my twin as punishment. The requirements for creating one require me to know them inside and out so that we are connected on a mental level. My father was the only one who ticked all the boxes.”

“And that’s why you killed your father?”

“Correct. I snapped his neck and ripped his soul out with these hands. Every time I see my twin, I’d gnash my teeth. I shall avenge my father here and now!”

Gui Xuanyue discharged ghost mist. Mu Yu shook his head at the ludicrous horsefeathers the sinner spouted. “You lot are insane. If you want revenge, you should off yourself. If you can’t do it, I will give you a hand.”

Shadow Splitter Sword intercepted the ghost qi. Unlike his lifeless eyes, Reverend Jiuhua’s swordplay with Jiuhua Sword was as lethal as back in the day. The hundreds of exchanges between Mu Yu and Reverend Jiuhua lifted the ghost mist and chased off the resentful souls. Gui Xuanyue, nevertheless, continued waving his ghost banner to summon evil spirits.

Si Wusheng’s style didn’t counter Qiao Xue’s style. In addition, the death of her comrades spurred her on. Hence, Si Wusheng struggled even with his twin puppet assisting him.

The ghouls robbed life from everything they came into contact with. Even so, ghost mist was merely ghost mist at the end of the day. Mu Yu’s wood spirit was its worst enemy.  Once Mu Yu snapped Jiuhua Sword, Spirit Wood Sword absorbed the ghost mist, forcing Reverend Jiuhua to retreat back to Gui Xuanyue.

“You’ve improved by leaps and bounds since we last met,” praised Gui Xuanyue.

Gui Xuanyue and Reverend Jiuhua took one side of Mu Yu each. Gui Xuanyue’s supply of souls seemed to be endless. Whilst dealing with their harassment, Mu Yu questioned, “Tell me: do you have nightmares at nght?”

Gui Xuanyue’s fatigue gradually caught up to him as it did his flag.

“You can also control elemental d-“

“Some things should never be mentioned.”

Free from the souls’ harassment, Mu Yu went after Gui Xuanyue’s banner. Wood Spirit Sword continued absorbing the souls and mending its damage. Mu Yu then targeted Gui Xuanyue’s chest. Gui Xuanyue wanted to move, but the wood spirit restrained him. Gui Xuanyue summoned Reverend Jiuhua over as a meat shield, prompting Mu Yu to shake his head.

Mu Yu pierced through Reverend Jiuhua’s chest and forced it straight forward to Gui Xuanyue. Cornered, Gui Xuanyue’s white face turned red as he ejected himself from his body to escape. Wood Spirit Sword manoeuvred through the atmosphere to position itself above Gui Xuanyue and hauled him into it.

“Aaargh!” bellowed Gui Xuanyue, voice reverberating as he was taken away.

Reverend Jiuhua regained his own conscious since Gui Xuanyue was finished. He looked down to see Mu Yu’s sword plunged through his chest. He wasn’t surprised to see Mu Yu. He looked over to his son and bemoaned, “You killed my son.”

Reverend Jiuhua’s memory of him trying to catch the blood gushing from his neck and ask his son why the latter betrayed him was as fresh as yesterday. He was despondent for he recalled the vicious glare his son stared at him with.

“You want to avenge him?” Mu Yu queried.

Although Mu Yu never liked Reverend Jiuhua, he wouldn’t take advantage of the situation or lend a hand to the latter.

“I deserved the karma. I don’t hold it against you or him but myself. I must thank you for liberating us,” Reverend Jiuhua answered with a subtle smile.

Reverend Jiuhua’s soul began to fade away into the wind.

“Xiaoshuai, where do you think people go after death? Village Chief Bu used to say people turned into stars in the sky after death.” Mu Yu inquired as he gazed at the sky. “I’ve never been able to reach the sky.”