Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 4 - CH 213

Mu Yu’s attempt to steady his feet while the world was spinning was in vain. Once he recollected himself, he found himself sitting atop a pile of shattered rocks. A wet stench teased his nose. It wasn’t the most ideal landing but better than disembarking in a fiend beast’s den.

Out came Xiaoshuai’s head from Mu Yu’s shirt. He griped, “Man, I hate that spinning feeling.”

“Is this Second Heaven? Damn, the spiritual qi is something else. I can feel my spiritual energy circulating faster.”

Mu Yu got to his feet and surveyed the surroundings. They were at a desert. Birds soared above a blue ocean way off in the distance. Fiend beasts jumped out of the water and back in. Being dumped in a desert was better than being dumped in the ocean. Behind him was a marsh hidden in a marsh.

Mu Yu brought out his map and located himself in a remote location. He had to cross the marsh to find the nine qi soul purifying flower. The good news was the mist wasn’t poisonous. The bad news was the marsh was painfully deep. He couldn’t fly too high over the marsh because level three and four flying fiend beasts ruled the sky. Thus, he opted to fly low enough to stay out of their sight.

Mu Yu ran his hand across a tree to enter a tree. He could enter them, but he noticed that, one, there was a force trying to kick him out. Two, he moved considerably slower than he did compared to at Third Heaven. In the end, he flew instead.

Xiaoshuai sniffed around and remarked, “I can’t shake off the feeling this place feels familiar.”

“You didn’t come from Second Heaven, did you?”

“I doubt it. I can smell a familiar scent, but I can’t tell you exactly where I smelt it before.”

“What smell is that?”

“Fried soybeans.”

“Why did I expect something else?”

They saw plenty of animals also found at Third Heaven. They turned and crossed a thicket of thorns to come across a five-metre-tall fiend beast’s skeleton.

“How in the world did a rank four five element fox grow so humungous?” Mu Yu lamented.

Mu Yu resumed his journey and soon came across the skeleton of a mystic refined phantasmal tiger. He travelled vertically and caught a snow gale sparrow, a Level One fiend beast. They were the size of a human fist at Third Heaven, yet they were as large as an eagle at Second Heaven. Mu Yu guessed the larger sizes were the consequence of more potent.

Hiss! Mu Yu stepped off on an angle when his intuition sent him alert. A big snake tail whipped the spot he stepped away from. It was an amethyst water chestnut python. Its colour inspired its name. Its scales were in reverse and sharp enough to be offensive weapons. It was a Level Four fiend beast Mu Yu once saw at Ku Mu Valley, albeit the latter being smaller.

“Ahaha, Bro, I’m just passing by. I’ll be on my way now,” persuaded Mu Yu, hoping he wouldn’t have to waste energy battling the snake.

The python fixed its copper eyes on Mu Yu and flicked its tongue. Breaking the stalemate, he spat out a purple mist, leading to Mu Yu cursing. Instead of running, Mu Yu ushered its precious venom into a vial. He cockily goaded, “I love you morons who spray poison without a second thought. Give me all you got.”

Ku Mu set formations on his poison vials to capture venomous mists. The python’s venom was going to come in handy in a variety of ways.

Enraged its poison wasn’t effective, the python whipped its sharp tail. Mu Yu hastily stowed away the vial and swung back using Shadow Splitter Sword. Sparks flew as the sword ground its scales, but it didn’t leave a scratch. Mu Yu propelled himself off a rock to retreat. The python thwarted his plan to run and conserve energy.

“Why’s it chasing me so persistently when I didn’t rile it up?” cried Mu Yu, flying faster.

“Your cultivation is the perfect health supplement to it.”

“Man, I should’ve brought the dragon vine instead of you. At least it could scare these pests off.”

“Hmph, Earthworm isn’t an authentic dragon. He’s just a bug playing dragon.”

“Oh, and your eating is going to come in helpful?”

“What’s so bad about eating? I can also simplify complex information for you to digest. For instance, the amethyst water chestnut python is the fastest fiend beast among Level Four fiend beasts. Blades can’t penetrate its body. Primordial Infant Realm cultivators couldn’t blemish it, let alone defeat it. It won’t give up on its prey, either, so we’re going to have a tough time outrunning it.”

“Thanks, your knowledge is boosting my confidence,” sarcastically replied Mu Yu.

“You better hurry. Trust me. You don’t want to know how its bite feels.”

“I’m trying.”

Mu Yu summoned an empyrean palm and expanded it until it was large enough to house him. He swerved behind a boulder and slipped into the empyrean palm before the python could attain a visual on him again.

“You don’t see me. You don’t see me,” prayed Mu Yu.


“You’re not supposed to see me! Toss this script!”

Mu Yu crawled out of the empyrean palm and dove into the adjacent tree. The python whacked the tree apart, forcing Mu Yu out. Mu Yu immediately took flight.

“I forgot to mention it has wings. Yeah, it can fly.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Mu Yu ducked his head, yet the tail brushed his hairline. The python spread its thin wings and glided from tree canopy to tree canopy to launch itself, so it wasn’t flying, strictly speaking.

Drooling, Xiaoshuai suggested, “Let’s see, I don’t think I’ve eaten one of them before. Snake meat is sort of greasy, so I’m not a fan. Their gallbladder is pretty healthy if you brew wine out of it. Yeah, I want to try its gallbladder.”

“I have a suggestion. Let it eat you, and you can rip its gallbladder out. What do you think?”

Mu Yu kicked the incoming tail, but its forced knocked him into shrubs. Mu Yu was going to take cover there, but it pursued him there, too.

“What if it digests me?”

“Don’t worry. Your skin is plenty tough. I heard handsome guys are indestructible. Come on, don’t make me look down on you.”

Mu Yu came across more and more fiend beasts as he fled. Whether lucky or unlucky, they stayed away once they saw the python on his tail.

“I agree about the handsome part, but its sticky insides are revolting.”

Mu Yu caught on to Xiaoshuai implying he’d be fine. Therefore, he gave Xiaoshuai an explosion pill and hurled Xiaoshuai at the python without a heads up.

“I’m counting on you.”

“The pill will blow me up, as well!”

The python opened wide and swallowed Xiaoshuai whole.

“Rip out its gallbladder. If you can’t rip it out, set off the explosion from inside. I’ll give you an extra drumstick tonight if you complete your mission!” shouted Mu Yu, landing again and dodging another incoming strike.

“Make that two!” Xiaoshuai hollered, voice muffled because he was inside the python.