Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 212

Mu Yu stood together with another five Pill Cauldron Disciples, three of which he could name, namely Cai Lie, Shi Minghui and Bie Wenxuan. Cai Lie and Mu Yu were on the best terms. Shi Minghui and Mu Yu were on the worst terms. Bie Wenxuan and Mu Yu were neutral towards one another. The other two in the group were Dao Yueyue, a disciple under Leng Bingxue, and Lian Tianyou, a disciple under Daoist Yun Dan. Dao Yueyue oozed the same aloof vibe Leng Bingxue did. Lian Tianyou was a Nascent Soul Realm Ninth Layer cultivator competent enough to produce rank five pills.

Lian Tianyou didn’t leave a bad impression and seemed quite cultured. Based on what Cai Lie knew, Lian Tianyou stayed out of the limelight for the most part, preferring to research pills instead of visiting Floating Celestial Island. Lian Tianyou approached Mu Yu and asked, “Are you Shishu Ku Mu’s disciple, Junior Brother Mu Yu?”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Senior Brother Lian Tianyou.”

“You need not stand on ceremony with me. You surpassed me the moment you completed one of the incomplete pills. If we have time, I would like to consult you. Every alchemist will come across pills they cannot concoct. I envy you for completing the pill Reverend Jiu Yang was unable to,” Lian Tianyou sincerely expressed.

“You flatter me, Senior Brother.”

Daoist Yun Dan heard from Elder Leng Mu Yu’s ability to extract wood residue from their bodies and verified it with Alchemist Wuji. Therefore, Daoist Yun Dan held Mu Yu in high regard, even intending to keep him at the sect so that he could help other alchemists. Daoist Yun Dan was prepared for hefty investments if it meant helping the others progress.

Daoist Yun Dan reminded the group of six, “I suppose your shifus have filled you all in before you came here, so I will spare you the pain of hearing it again. Stay safe. There may be lots of precious herbs, but there are lots of fiend beasts. The desolate land is their terrain.

“If you don’t covet herbs, you can find someplace safe to train. You will progress exponentially faster training there. That being said, do not ascend to Body Severing Realm there. That applies especially to you, Lian Tianyou because you are on the cusp of ascending, or you won’t be able to return. Also, protect your jade at all times. Nobody can help you, otherwise.

“You have two months at Second Realm, after which the teleportation formation will hibernate for a decade before we can activate it again.”

Daoist Yun Dan handed the six shiny jade pieces with a cauldron carved onto it.

Beneath Lian Tianyou were Bie Wenxuan and Dao Yueyue, who were at Seventh Layer and Sixth Layer respectively. Shi Minghui was at Fifth Layer. Mu Yu was at Third Layer. Cai Lie had just reached First Layer. Mu Yu, however, embodied superior combat abilities since that was his main focus.

Xiaoshuai and the dragon vine were joining Mu Yu. When Mu Yu helped Elder Leng extract wood residue yesterday, Mu Yu threatened Elder Leng into watching over Ku Mu covertly while he was gone. Elder Leng wouldn’t really have watched Ku Mu suffer if someone targeted his former disciple.

The group descended at a mountain peak, one lower than the mountains they were used to. Mu Yu sensed the presence of countless adepts in the woods around them. The adepts were guardians of the formation under Pill Cauldron Sect’s orders. The weakest adept was a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

The group crossed through the woods. The narrow cave they came two only fitted two people walking shoulder to shoulder. Daoist Yun Dan led the group inside. The walls narrowed further and further as they walked. Nascent Soul Realm cultivators concealed in black clothing awaited them. They continued the path further down, climbing down a flight of winding stairs. They eventually walked to a spacious and bright location. There was a blue barrier undulating similar to waves.

“Don’t churn spiritual energy when you cross the Water Guardian Formation, or it will stop you.”

The group crossed the barrier to reach a large cave dozens of metres high and spacious enough to fit hundreds of people. Members of the other sects embarking on the journey and Daoist Yun Dan greeted each other politely.

Mu Yu recognised a few faces. There was Celestial Star Sect’s young master, Tian Yun, who immediately locked eyes with Mu Yu. Meng Xin and Rou Anna were also present. Tian Ran waved at Mu Yu jubilantly. Besides Tian Yun’s hostility, Mu Yu detected more hostility aimed his way from others. Nevertheless, he remained nonchalant; it wasn’t as if staring could break his bones or something.

There was a stone platform at the centre of the cave. Mu Yu couldn’t connect the formation’s dots with his knowledge. Theories on old formations were hard to source, but people were still researching the teleportation formation for its benefits.

Daoist Yun Dan took to the platform and announced, “Ladies and gentleman, please file into the formation once it is active. You will be transported to random spots. Should you find yourself in danger, use your jade to return immediately. You have two months. If you miss the return trip, you will be stuck there for a decade.”

Daoist Yun Dan sent a stroke of light into the stone platform from his hand. Spiritual energy from the four surrounding walls whisked toward the stone platform. Four Body Synthesis Realm elders were hiding in the walls. They were Level Seven alchemists and the formation’s guardians.

Energy rose from the platform shimmering gold and through the ceiling. The golden energy disseminated across the patterns on the walls. Eight screens of ancient text popped up on the platform. Daoist Yun Dan, face pale, got off the platform and declared, “You may now enter.”

Travellers flew toward the light screens.

“I hope we don’t land too far away from each other.” Cai Lie patted Mu Yu on the shoulder and, together, the two flew up.

A ripping sensation ran through Mu Yu’s body once he stepped through the light screen. It was the same sensation as when he was teleported from Moyun Mountains to Third Continent. The bright light forced his eyes shut. The energy took control of his body.