Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 186

Pill Cauldron Sect extended across a series of mountains. Without a navigator, it was daunting. if not impossible, to locate their place. Furthermore, they situated themselves within a formation. Unless the formation was stripped, their location would be perceived as a desolate plain. Having Cai Lie guide them, therefore, was a blessing. He also saved them the hassle of going through security checks. It wouldn’t have been so simple if it was just an ordinary disciple who led them in.

The sentry stood in a pavilion anterior to a white plain. After greeting the sentry, Cai Lie performed a series of hand seals to remove the haze using his spiritual energy. The scenery undulated until towering mountain peaks were gradually revealed.

“Let’s go,” said Cai Lie, leading the duo.

Ku Mu was indifferent to the familiar sect he grew up at, but Mu Yu’s awe was written all over his face. The most majestic sect he had ever seen was Green Pine Sect. Green Pine Sect was a peasant village compared to Pill Cauldron Sect. Pill Cauldron Sect’s marvellous pavilions, halls, flying disciples and uniforms put Green Pine Sect’s to shame.

The main mountain was rightfully named Pill Cauldron Peak, where their patriarch, Daoist Yundao, resided. Its height and the voices of the singing birds added an ethereal touch to the headquarters. The main mountain sat between four mountains, each belonging to a faction.

Yao Wuji’s faction occupied Mystic Rainbow Peak. Shi Dengtian’s faction occupied Heavenly Secret Peak. Bing Lengxue’s faction occupied Frosty Peak. Ku Mu’s faction occupied Bamboo Peak.

The various halls and pavilions were just visible through the tree tops from the various mountain peaks. Their quaint ambience and designs spoke volumes about Pill Cauldron Sect’s long history. There was a cauldron roughly hundreds of metres high slowly rotating in the air in the sect grounds. As it pivoted on the spot, its faint golden light illuminated the sect. The cauldron was a fairly accurate depiction of just how many resources and how much wealth the sect had in their possession.

“The cauldron is our sect’s guardian, charged with guarding our fate. You probably didn’t know this, b-”

“He knows,” interrupted Ku Mu, rendering Cai Lie awkward.

Ku Mu and Mu Yu flew to Bamboo Mountain. In the meantime, Cai Lie went to report to Daoist Yun Dao.

“What do you mean I know, Gramps?” queried Mu Yu. “You never mentioned it to me.”

“Don’t ever let that sort of ignorance escape from your mouth in public. You’re embarrassing me. Pretend you know even if you don’t. I don’t want people trashing Bamboo Peak for ignorance.”

“You’re blaming me when you’re the one who didn’t teach me about it,” Mu Yu muttered under his breath.

“It’s a crap sect. What else is there to know?”

“You win. You win.”

Returning to Bamboo Peak after several decades, Ku Mu found his erstwhile home in a pitiful state. The mountain derived its name from the bamboos on the mountain that bestowed it with natural beauty unlike the other mountains.

From a distance up in the sky, a dilapidated roof was visible. There were several people at work, surprisingly. From what Mu Yu could discern, they were ordinary humans. The group had chopped down an entire area of bamboo and began the construction of something. Mu Yu looked to Ku Mu. Ku Mu shook his head. Mu Yu, therefore, went over and asked, “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

One of the lumberjacks approached the duo and courteously explained, “Sir, Young Master Shi Minghui ordered us to turn this place into a spirit beast yard. We are but ordinary contractors.”

“Shi Minghui?” Mu Yu looked over to see a cottage half torn down, much to his displeasure. “This is my place. Tell Young Master Shi Minghui to keep his hands to himself.”

Put in a pinch, the lumberjack replied, “We are contracted to perform work. If we fail to meet the deadline, we will not be paid. See, th-”

“I don’t need to see anything. Leave now. Believe me, if you’re scared of Shi Minghui, I’m your nightmare. Get moving; otherwise, I will have to show you the door.” Mu Yu cracked his knuckles.

The lumberjack shuddered. As he was contemplating what course of action to take, Shi Minghui arrived behind Mu Yu and threatened, “I brought you here two days ago, and this is all the progress you have to show? Did you prefer to be dead instead of paid?”

Mu Yu: Oh, he must’ve been searching for labourers when I treated him to a slap fest.

Mu Yu gave Shi Minghui a subtle grin, “Do you prefer to be dead?”

“What are you doing here?! Surrender now for trespassing, and I shall spare you.”

“Typical lines, huh? Who’d did you get them off? From what I know, this isn’t your turf. You authorised to be tampering with the place?”

Mu Yu chose to flamboyantly challenge for his place on the name list, reasoning it would be more efficient if he just blew them all away at once instead of a low-key approach, which would result in oblivious individuals picking fights. That would mean he’d have to deal with every challenger.

“You have no say in it. I don’t care even if Ku Mu comes back. I just have to say the word, and you’re a dead man.”

A Primordial Infant Realm Sixth Layer man leading a group of Golden Core Realm guards appeared. “What happened, Young Master Shi?”

“How did the spy sneak in, Captain Liu? Are you doing your job properly? Don’t just stand there. Arrest him.”

Captain Liu sternly questioned, “Who are you two? Why are you here?”

“Get lost,” brayed Ku Mu, displaying a green octagon token with Pill Cauldron Sect’s symbol on it.

Captain Liu’s brain stuttered.

Shi Minghui: “Y-you’re…”