Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Volume 3 - CH 185

There were other worlds besides the one Mu Yu lied in. They were called heavens beyond heaven for that very reason. Third Heave Continent belonged to Third Heaven, which was where humankind resided. As the numbers suggested, there was a First Heaven, Second Heaven and so forth. As far as human habitation went in other heavens, nobody knew much. Up until that point, the only confirmed other world was Second Heaven.

Second Heaven was a desolate, primitive world. Owing to a number of factors, humans couldn’t live there. If they could, they’d already be wreaking havoc there.

There were cultivators interested in exploring Second Heaven to find out why humans couldn’t reside there. It was believed that valuable herbs, materials for magic and rare fiend beasts were available there. The higher quality herbs and exceedingly stronger fiend beasts located at Second Heaven was the result of the world’s spiritual qi being more potent than that found at Third Heaven.  In a sense, residents of Third Heaven treated Second Heaven as a treasure trove.

While mankind was a resourceful race, moderation was a concept that eluded them. The evidence was reflected in the amount of precious resources at Third Heaven decreasing over time and some running out completely. Still having not learnt their lesson, they turned their target to Second Heaven’s resources.

The only link between Third and Second Heavens was located within Pill Cauldron Sect, the sect which was assigned the duty of guarding it. Put another way, the only way to travel from the heavens was through Pill Cauldron Sect.

The spot connecting the two worlds was an ancient teleportation formation. The ancient formation was considerably more complex than modern formations. As with everything, aspects of ancient formations were lost in the course of history. For that reason, it was impossible for cultivators in the present to cast ancient formations. It activated once every decade for a fixed time frame, which was the only window anyone could go to and from the two worlds. The age of the teleportation formation impacted its capabilities. To protect itself from destruction, it only allowed Primordial Infant Realm and those below to travel through it.

The number of people the formation teleported was also limited. Hence, Third Heaven Palace stipulated that each sect was only permitted to send five people – barring Pill Cauldron Sect, which was granted a six-people allowance. The sects allowed, of course, were also restricted.

The “list” Ku Mu referred to was the list of people granted permission to travel via the teleportation formation. The leader of each faction selected who they would send. In addition, one spot was rewarded to one disciple through a competition, where the winner was bestowed the right.

Pill Cauldron Sect consisted of five factions. The rule stated each faction was allowed to name one individual to join the list of travellers. The patriarch, Daoist Yun Dao, headed the main faction that was the leader of the factions. Yao Wuji was another faction leader. Shi Minghui’s grandpa, Shi Dengtian, was another faction leader. Bing Lengxue was another leader. The sixth faction leader was… Ku Mu.

Since Ku Mu’s departure, his faction, which consisted of few disciples to begin with, withered. The purpose of Ku Mu’s visit to Pill Cauldron Sect was to claim the slot belonging to him for Mu Yu. As he had left, nevertheless, the two remaining slots were fairly used as the reward for the competition.

“I’m not interested in hunting fiend beasts, finding herbs or risking my life,” objected Mu Yu.

“Dark herb. Nine qi. Soul purifying. Flower. Second Heaven.”

“They’re only available at Second Heaven?” griped Mu Yu. “Cai Lie, what do you think the odds of me scoring a place on the list are?”

“Mm… Less than 10%. Everyone wants the two spots. Prepare to go up against people who are ready to make some serious sacrifices. It isn’t going to sit right with the others if you just knock and demand the slot.”

As Mu Yu turned his attention to Ku Mu, he discovered Ku Mu was also looking at him. He asked, “Do you think I can persuade those proud alchemists?”

“What do. You think. I taught. You all. Those things. For?” grouched Ku Mu.

“Poison and pills aren’t the same thing, though.”

The assumption was that the contest would be a pill concoction test. The thing was, Mu Yu had never concocted a pill in his entire life; even Alchemist Yao said he and alchemy didn’t belong in the same sentence.

“Says who?” Ku Mu snapped, disappointed his pupil of all people was questioning him.

“Okay, let’s say they are. What else can I say?”

“Wait, aren’t you my fellow disciple now?” joked Cai Lie, draping an arm over Mu Yu’s shoulder cheerfully.

“Let me guess: you don’t have to compete for a spot.”

Cai Lie scratched his temple. “Shifu gave me the spot and told Senior Xiaohua to compete.”

“Great, we’re going to butt heads again.”

“Let me give you a precaution. Besides my senior brother, there’s Bie Wenxuan and Xu Ziye for you to worry about. I’m positive Bie Wenxuan is going to take one slot given he’s the best. Xu Ziye and my senior brother are pretty much evenly matched. He’s already able to produce rank five pills when he’s only a Primordial Infant Realm cultivator.”

“Thanks for the confidence boost.” Unlike other stories, Mu Yu wasn’t am main protagonist with immeasurable alchemy talent, who would go on to shock the audience and effortlessly score a win.

Ku Mu: “Disappointment. What are you worried for when there’s still a month to go.”

Mu Yu dryly chuckled.

Mu Yu: If I could catch up to rank five alchemists in a single month, everyone would be an alchemist.