Supreme Naruto

Chapter 679

"It\'s only a few months. The newly established Mingdu empire is so lively. The guy Naruto is really unpredictable."

Fenghua Xiaoxue leaned against the window and looked at the bustling crowd below. She couldn\'t help feeling.

Naruto has established his own country, so can he continue to support the snow country in the future?

The prosperity of the snow country today is brought by Naruto. Fenghua Xiaoxue believes that it will not be long before the current Naruto empire is another snow country.

so what?

Then Mingdu empire will easily surpass the snow country.

Then... Naruto, out of his old friendship, should help the snow country.

Even before she died, the snow country was absolutely carefree.

But then? After she left?

How should those people who were originally proud of the people of the snow country deal with themselves?

Gradual decline? Until it turns into the dust of history?

Such an end is really bleak. When Fenghua Xiaoxue thinks of this place, his heart is blocked like a big stone.

So she made a bold decision.

This decision is to give the snow country as a gift on Naruto\'s wedding day.

Yes, she decided to step down.

To put it better, she will make whirlpool Naruto the next monarch.

It\'s a little ugly... It\'s not bad to say that it\'s selling the country for glory.

Just different from the ordinary traitor for glory, her glory is not for herself, but for the future of the snow country.

"Some expect tomorrow to come soon."

"When you get there, you can see what that guy will look like."

"On weekdays, it\'s almost always salty. Can you surprise him this time?"

"But I don\'t want to come too early tomorrow."

"I\'ve only been a princess for three years."

Fenghua and Xiaoxue whispered to themselves.

At the same time, Naruto completed the ceremony of resurrecting whirlpool Mito.

The resurrected whirlpool Mito is still the size of an 11-year-old child. His big eyes blink and blink, and his face is confused. At a glance, he knows that it is still the whirlpool Mito known by Naruto.

"Am I really resurrected?"

The whirlpool water user pinched his face in surprise.

Both touch and feeling are different from the reincarnation of filthy soil.

Whirlpool water users felt the temperature of the palm of their hands and the China Resources of their face skin. They were naturally overjoyed for a time.

"I\'m really resurrected!"

Whirlpool Mito came to Naruto again and again.

He jumped in place and jumped into Naruto\'s arms. He bumped into him very realistically.

The white and small jade arm is wrapped around Naruto\'s chest.

Then he climbed to Naruto\'s neck like a little monkey climbing a tree.

Naruto was just a little girl. He was too happy to stop, "well, you have really resurrected. In the future, you can grow from a little girl to a beautiful woman."

Whirlpool Water Households listen to Naruto\'s words, with bright little stars in their eyes, "can water households have children?"

Naruto replied, "of course, but you have to wait until you grow up."

Whirlpool water users heard that they could have children, and the joy on their faces became stronger.

Naruto raised his hand, took the little girl off her body and put it on the ground. "In the future, you will be a real girl. You can\'t climb onto others, especially men."

Whirlpool Shuihu\'s eyes turned, and he didn\'t know what to think.

Naruto said tentatively, "I\'m going to see your ex husband. Do you want to go with me?"

Whirlpool Mito picked up the windmill thrown on the ground and ran away, "no, I have more important things to do."

Naruto watched the whirlpool water door leave and muttered to himself, "it should be shy."

"But... It\'s good if Shuihu really doesn\'t mean to the fire shadow of the early generation. In this way, you don\'t have to be too lenient when you start."

Why should we resurrect the whirlpool today.

It is mainly proposed by the whirlpool Mito himself. Secondly, if he gets married tomorrow, he will be granted amnesty.

At that time, the cell will be empty, and it will be troublesome to find another condemned prisoner.

Naruto looked at the corpse on the ground, and all the vitality in the corpse was extracted.

Those who are dead can\'t die anymore.

When Naruto waved his hand, the corpses on the ground turned into fly ash.

Then the man disappeared out of thin air and reappeared at the door of the hot pot shop.

There are many people in the hot pot shop. Naruto is not in a hurry. He walks past the crowd. Strangely, they don\'t seem to see Naruto and do their own things.

Naruto walked calmly through the crowded crowd with a strange body method, like a light smoke.

Until he stopped at a table with two male guests.

"Haven\'t seen you for a long time. I ordered someone to open this shop. Isn\'t it delicious?"

Naruto looked at the thousand hand column with a smile.

The action of blowing mutton between the thousand hand pillars was stiff. Then he continued to blow twice, dipped in sesame sauce and stuffed it into his mouth.

Praise: "hoo, delicious!"

Naruto turned his head and looked at Yuji Boban.

There are a pair of reincarnation eyes in yuzhiboban\'s eyes, and one of the Narutos recognizes it as yuzhiboweasel.

The other... Naruto felt the earthy smell from above.

"When we first met, I was the master of the city you wanted to see. You can call me... Emperor Ming."

Yu Zhibo stared into Naruto\'s eyes and wondered, "are these my eyes? Why are they like this?"

Naruto replied, "yes, as for the change, maybe because I like red."

Yu Zhibo continued to ask, "how does it feel to be a ten tailed man?"

Naruto shook his head and sighed, "it\'s not ideal. There\'s a preacher in his ear. It\'s very annoying."

Preachers, of course, are talking about big barrel muhui Yeji.

Hui Yeji was too lazy to comment when she heard that her white eyes turned over.

After Naruto answered yuzhiboban\'s words, he said to qianshouzhujian, "I came here today to ask you about something."

"About the big snake pill."

"Big snake pill reincarnates your filthy soil. What about others?"

"Is it difficult that he was also selected by the six elders?"

"You haven\'t caught the big snake pill yet?" he asked

Naruto doesn\'t answer, and continues to wait.

Qianshouzhu looked at Naruto and ate several pieces of mutton before he said, "I don\'t know. I climbed out of the coffin. When I woke up, the first person I saw died after reviving me. As for the big snake pill, I didn\'t see it."

Hearing the words of qianshouzhu, Naruto asked, "can you tell me who raised you?"

Qianshouzhu pointed to xiayuzhiboban, "you ask him, it\'s from their family."

Both yuzhibo and yuzhibo weasels belong to the yuzhibo family.

Naruto looks at Yuji Boban.

Yu Zhibo Ban said simply, "Yu Zhibo weasel."

Yuzhibo weasel?

This is difficult

He promised Sasuke that the weasel was alive.

Naruto looked at Yu Zhibo, a reincarnation eye.

For today\'s plan, we can only take away the reincarnation eye of the weasel, and then reincarnate its filthy soil and resurrect it.

"You really don\'t know the news of big snake pill?"

Before that, it would be better to know the news of big snake pill.

Shake your head among the thousand hands.

Naruto did not ask, but changed the topic and said, "since we met today, let\'s talk about what happened between us."

"Since the six masters have resurrected you, what are you going to do with me?"

Qianshouzhu replied, "I originally planned to wait until you get married, so your life will be complete."

"But you have to come out... Can we pretend we haven\'t seen each other?"

The complexion between the thousand hand pillars is difficult.

Naruto said briskly, "of course, I\'ll go now. Your two accounts are counted, and I\'ll eat whatever I like."

Then Naruto disappeared directly.

Leaving only Yu Zhibo and qianshouzhu, the two looked at each other.

"This guy really left like this..."

The mutton on the chopsticks between the thousand hand pillars fell into sesame paste, and sesame paste splashed all over the thousand hand pillars.

Yu Zhibo is also speechless.

Take a deep breath and then exhale again.

"He said it was a treat, so keep eating."

Qianshouzhu nodded and shouted, "ten more plates of mutton on on table 12!"

"By the way, your boss said that all our food was counted by him?"

The waitress who came over looked puzzled and didn\'t know what to answer.

At this time, the owner of the hot pot shop came over and smiled like a flower path: "you two come to the small shop for dinner. Naturally, you are free of charge in full."

The owner of the hot pot shop is a dried persimmon ghost shark.

Then, under the Zhang of the dried persimmon ghost shark, someone soon came up with ten plates of mutton.


Naruto returned to the palace and thought alone.

He was wondering what the six immortals were going to do.

There are no Yin and Yang marks on the body between Yuzhi Boban and qianshouzhu.

Aren\'t you going to seal him?

So what are you going to do?

Naruto doesn\'t think those two are his opponents.

"I say that when I get married, I\'m actually waiting for someone in a big wooden house?"

Naruto felt his chin and could not help but speculate maliciously.

Now dial the call between thousand hands.

Qianshoufanjian was very respectful to Naruto after Naruto unified all countries.

"What can I do for you?"

Naruto immediately said about the resurrection of his brother qianshouzhu.

A thousand hands were shocked: "brother is resurrected?"

"Brother\'s body is not in the big snake pill. So? Have you found the big snake pill?"

Naruto replied, "no, I didn\'t revive your brother."

"I won\'t tell you the details. You know your brother has been resurrected. If you want to see him, you can go to the hot pot shop of ghost mackerel."

Qianshoufa heard that Naruto didn\'t say the reason or ask how the elder brother was resurrected. He directly asked, "is that elder brother an enemy or a friend?"

Naruto did not hide, "enemy."

The thousand hand gate was silent, and his voice didn\'t fluctuate. He replied, "then don\'t let the master know about it."

Naruto nodded and agreed.

But it doesn\'t seem appropriate to hide it.

Tomorrow is his wedding, and the master will naturally attend on the wedding day.

I just hope qianshouzhu can be as he said, and won\'t do it on the wedding day.

Naruto shook his head.

I can\'t help thinking that it would be great if we could solve the problem today.

Today, he went to see two people and estimated their strength.

If we really want to fight, I\'m afraid we can\'t solve it in a day or two.

It was bound to affect his wedding, so Naruto left very decisively.

The war was agreed after marriage.

Hung up the call between thousand hands.

Naruto thought about it and dialed a call to gangshou.

Naturally, it is not because of the matter between qianshouzhu, but because he promised to resurrect Kato Duan.

"What\'s up?"

"Young Tian girl just finished talking to me. You\'re here again. You two are good. Neither of you will let me be free."

Naruto said, "what\'s the matter with you?"

The master replied leisurely, "what else can I do? I\'ll get married tomorrow. As a girl, of course, I\'m surprised, happy and nervous."

"Why, you won\'t be nervous. Let me enlighten you?"

Naruto smiled and replied, "do you think I look like a nervous person?"

The master\'s image stared at Naruto and jerked half a ring. Seeing that Naruto was really not nervous, he said uninteresting: "not nervous... What do you want me to do?"

Naruto said directly, "after the wedding, in order to celebrate the universal celebration, there is bound to be an amnesty."

"At that time, the prison will be empty, and it will not be so easy to find condemned prisoners."

"So I want to revive Kato today."

Mentioning Kato, his face showed a different color, and his lazy and playful look was put away.

His eyebrows wrinkled and even began to bite his fingers.

Half a ring, it seems that someone is visiting the master.

Naruto saw the master and looked at other places.

Impatient way: "who!"

According to the inference of the orientation of the scene in the projection, the place where the master should look should be the door.

Naruto wholeheartedly recalled the image at the door of the master\'s house. Coincidentally, he came from himself.

Zilai also holds a large number of red roses, his hair is carefully combed, and his appearance is funny and makes people laugh.

"Wait, I\'ll see who\'s dead and ring the doorbell."

"I promise not to cripple him!"

The master turns off the image and Naruto continues to peep with five-star permission.

Before long, the master opened the door.

Seeing that he was holding flowers, he accepted the flowers, and then the man was kicked away.

"Don\'t bother me today!"

Then he slammed the door shut.

Zilai was kicked off and climbed again. He hesitated to continue knocking at the door.

But the pain is real.

Knock or not?

I also took out two movie tickets. Sitting at the door of the master of Arts, he pondered.

Naruto looked at Zilai interestingly.

About ten minutes later.

Naruto received a video call from gangshou.

"Let\'s talk about the resurrection of Kato Duan later. I haven\'t thought about it yet."

Narutos don\'t ask much. How many Narutos can guess some.

In the heart, I shouted for the kick I had received.

Finally, the master told Naruto to dress up handsome tomorrow and don\'t embarrass hatada, so he hung up the call.

Naruto continues to peep at himself.

Zilai also sat at the door with his back scratching his ears and cheeks.

Naruto\'s hand stretched forward, crossed the space, silently appeared at the door of gangshou, and then pressed the doorbell.

The angry master rushed out when he heard the doorbell.

I saw a fool with a movie ticket.

The master put his foot away and asked, "would you like me to see a movie?"

He nodded again and again.

The master frowned. After half a ring, he made a decision: "let\'s go, but I want to eat before that."

Zilai hurriedly replied, "no problem!"

The two left together. They felt pain and looked bitter where they had been kicked.

The master was ashamed when he saw it. "Does it hurt?"

Since then, he waved his hand again and again: "no pain, no pain, I\'m used to it."

The master couldn\'t help laughing because he was used to it.

He raised his hand and reached out to Zilai. Zilai also thought that the master would beat him again. He was nervous and made his hair explode again.

And took a half step back.

The master said with a smile, "if I don\'t beat you, I\'ll help you see your injury."

Zilai also looked stunned. At this time, the master made him feel the tenderness of ordinary women.

I\'m flattered at the moment.

The guard also put down, the master\'s hand came close, and suddenly slapped Zilai to the ground.

"Sorry, I still want to smoke you for some reason."

This scene makes Naruto laugh directly.